Edwin is currently the teacher-in-charge of the Behia Elementary School in the Philippines. He is currently pursuing his Doctor of Education. He has been in the Department of Education for 17 years as a teacher and administrator.
With his enthusiasm, he was able to lead his school with strong partnership with internal and external stakeholders. He implemented several projects including the first income-generating project dubbed as School-Based Management corner. With his leadership and guidance, the school was able to reap several awards: one of the best implementer of 2N-AIP for 4 quarters, best SMEPA presentation, best implementer of school-based feeding program, best school promotional video. He was also awarded as silver service awardee of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and National Demonstration teacher.
School’s Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DepEdTayoBehiaES109266/
Award and recognition: https://www.facebook.com/…/pcb…/271622267979783/
Project and Program: https://www.facebook.com/…/pcb…/265664865242190/