Personal Highlights:
- Google Scholar Citations: 1,037, h-index= 12; i10-index = 12
- External Reviewer Expert of MBA Program Institutional Applications submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MOHERI).
- Awarded as Most Outstanding Researcher by Al Zahra College for Women, Oman (AY 2022-2023)
- Awarded the Certification from The Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) in the UK as “Certified Management and Business Educator” (CMBE).
- Editorial Member/Reviewer in different International Peer-Reviewed Journals and Publications such as Elseivier, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, Sage, IGI.
Inspirational Success Story:
He has extensive work in the research field, having published books, edited books, and published research papers in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Moreover, his published works have been cited in Google Scholar, and they contain the following information: citations = 1,037; h-index = 12; i10-index = 12. This is evidence that his research publications have been utilized worldwide. He has held Keynote Speakerships in the field of research and publication, and has received several awards.
His research outputs can be cited in the international community and research instruments can be used by researchers in developing their questionnaires. He can conduct more lectures and workshops related to research and publications. His knowledge in editorship can help develop researchers who would like to become editors in High Impact Publishers like Springer and IGI.
Evidence of works: