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IJEMDS Cover Page
International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Dr. Henry E. Lemana II

2023 Outstanding Reviewer
School of Languages and General Education, Walailak University

Undergraduate Lecturer

DR. HENRY E. LEMANA II is a 29-year-old English language teacher exposed to culturally pluralistic academic environments (the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates, and Thailand). He has teaching experiences ranging from elementary to post-graduate levels and has held various functions such as being the subject area chairperson, head of student progress in an international school, internal and external research adviser/ editor, board examination lecturer, event host, program and course coordinator, among others.
Dr. Lemana obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Notre Dame of Marbel University and his Ph.D. in Education with a major in Applied Linguistics from the University of the Immaculate Conception. At present, he is pursuing a Doctor of Education in Educational Management and Leadership at Sultan Kudarat State University. On top of being a senior member of the Royal Institute of Educators, Singapore, he serves as a reviewer and language editor for numerous reputable international journals.
Besides being a part-time post-graduate lecturer at the University of the Immaculate Conception, where he teaches courses like philosophy of education and qualitative research, Henry is a full-time English as a foreign language lecturer at Walailak University, Thailand. At Walailak University, he has researched and published on areas like ESL/EFL, teacher identity, applied linguistics, and educational management.



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