Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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Georgina M. Temblique

Grand Winner - International Luminary Award in Academic Leadership
City of San Jose del Monte National Science High School,

Grade 11 Student

Georgina M. Temblique

Personal Details:

    • Senior High School – City of San Jose del Monte National Science High School. Currently Grade 11 Student
    • World Robot Games Philippines 2022 Innovation Forum: Best In Teamwork & Showmanship
    • World Robot Games Philippines 2022 Robot Research Top 10 Finalist: Technical Awardee
    • World Robot Games Philippines 2022 Programmable Line Tracing: Technical Awardee
    • World Robot Games Philippines 2022 Robot QuizBee Top 8: Technical Awardee
    • CSanSci Science Month 2022 STEMTok 3rd Place
    • Philippine Robotics Olympiad 2022 Junior Participant
    • Philippine Biology Olympiad 2023 Participant
    • National Robotics Coding Camp & Competition (NR3C) Virtual LT 5th Runner-Up
    • Joint BSP and GSP City-Wide Jamboree and Encampment Participant
    • School-based BSP and GSP Jamboree and Encampment 2023 Facilitator
    • 21st Bulacan Council Scout Jamboree Participant
    • National Arts Month 2023: CSanSayaw 2nd Place
    • Harana sa CSanSci 2023 2nd Place
    • Division Festival of Talents STEMazing 2023 Participant
    • Division Mathematics Fair 2023 Digital Poster Making Participant
    • With High Honors (1st to 3rd Quarter)
    • With Highest Honors (4th Quarter)
    • Leadership Awardee
    • Boy Scout of the Year
    • Researcher of the Year
    • Conduct Awardee
    • Benito Nieto Elementary School Leadership Workshop 2023 Resource Speaker
    • Class President
    • Kabataan Tungo sa Kaunlaran ng Kasaysayan (Araling Panlipunan / Social Studies) Club President
    • Builders Ensemble to Educate and Build (BEEP) CSanSci Robotics Club Vice President
    • CSanSci Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) Vice President
    • CSanSci’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Modern (CSTEM) Club Peace Officer
    • Microsoft Youth Ambassador 2.0
    • Supreme Secondary Learner Government Auditor
    • International Research Competition 2023 FINALIST Category 2 – Undergraduate
    • World Robot Games Taiwan 2023 Tune Up Games – Hit the Ball Senior SILVER Medalist

Inspirational Success Story:

She deserves credit for her accumulated awards, recognition, and service she has done as a student-leader. She won World Robot Games Taiwan 2023 Tune-Up Games – Hit the Ball Senior SILVER Medalist. She can bring inspiration to the organization/ community by showing her fellow students that they can also achieve whatever they set their heart and mind onto. She started as a curious student who tried many opportunities offered by the school and the community. She now found herself competing in international competitions in the field of robotics and research, and participating in organizations for the betterment of our school and community. Her thirst for knowledge, pursuit of excellence, and heart for service qualify her as the best role model for academic leadership.

Evidence of her works:

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