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Klyde Francis R. Dela Cruz

International Luminary Award in Academic Leadership
Aklan State University,

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English – III

Klyde Francis R. Dela Cruz

Personal Details:

    • Fourth Year Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
      College of Teacher Education, Aklan State University, Banga, Aklan, Philippines

Inspirational Success Story:

The nominee deserves this recognition for his outstanding performance and meritorious accomplishments as an academic leader! As team leader, he excellently presented their research output, “Online and Onsite Language Learning Experiences Through the Lens of English Major Undergraduate Students in a State University”, last semester before the panel, and emerged as one of the choices for the best paper presenter award. He excels in the academics having maintained high marks and sustains his inclusion in the Dean’s list of academic awardees. In fact, he ranked 3rd among the TOSA (Ten Outstanding Students of ASU) award, an annual recognition of student leaders in the campus who have excelled in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. His dynamic involvement and participation in activities in and out of the campus has contributed to the attainment of the goals and objectives of the college,
and the vision and mission of the university.
He has that charismatic persona that can inspire and mobilize people he goes along with. Soft-spoken as he is, yet, he can convince his peers to collaborate and cooperate with him in their academic tasks. His humility and sincerity of heart have put him in the lead not only in classroom duties but in academic organizations as well. He acts as the purveyor of worthy information by serving as staff writer of his college’s paper, which earned him the popularity and respect of the academic community. Not only did he speak for them but represented his Alma Mater in regional and national conferences.

His congenial personality earned the nods of the judges and bestowed upon him the Mr. College Press Conference (COPRE) of Western Visayas in 2023. He propelled his university up to the pedestal above other higher education institutions (HEIs) in Region VI. He stood tall in his sentinel duties to put him to become one of the senators in the campus students’ organization. His unquestionable commitment and dedication to service boosted his popularity and gained the trust of the academic community that he
was elected to be the University Student Council President of the main campus, and ultimately, unanimously appointed as the
student representative of the university’s five campuses to the institution’s governing body – the Aklan State University Board of
His academic leadership goes beyond the classroom as he carries and cascades the skills he acquires in school to the community where he lives. He shares his academic learning in journalism and the English language with students from the school where he finished his secondary education. His love for culture and the arts is manifested in his active involvement and participation in cultural programs being an active youth leader in his hometown, Balete, Aklan. His only weakness is that he never stops working on a task he has started until it is completed.

His penchant for being a dynamic student leader when he was young became a reality when he was given the overwhelming mandate by the ASU student community to lead and become their voice in the Governing Board of the state institution – as Student Regent of
the Board of Regents of the Aklan State University. To represent the more than 8,000 laboratory school, baccalaureate, and graduate students is a tall order for him to behold, and he is proving his worth by actively pushing for programs that would benefit all the students today and in the future. His programs of governance as the federated university student council president and Student
Regent center on gender equality and sensitivity, mental health and wellness, and student security.

“Set the example” is the mantra of the nominee. For him, an academic leader steers the way for his followers to get along. He is an inspiration as he has the aura that attracts. His humility is contagious; his industry is enticing. He did not get the mandate of students from the university if his persona is doubted. Thus, the way he manages himself, his character, his actions, and his decisions are looked up to by his classmates, peers, and contemporaries. Most likely, the accomplishments he had during his younger years, and the outcomes of his ongoing programs as an academic leader would be a legacy for the next generation of student leaders to emulate, replicate, and institutionalize. Today, his humble presence and leadership characteristics are felt not only inside the university
but in the local, regional, and national levels. Indeed, a true academic leader sets the pitch to attain the rhythm of the choir. He shows the way and takes the first step.

Evidence of his works:

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