Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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Marites T. Hugo

International Luminary Award in Teaching - Grand Finalist
City of San Jose Del Monte National Science High School,

Teacher III

Marites Hugo

Personal Details:

  • Consistent level 3 in School Based Management (SBM Coordinator for 3 Consecutive years)
  • As SBM coordinator for 3 years, the school maintains its level 3-Advance of practice
  • introduced additional Robotics Curriculum in Junior High School-STE
  • Developed module for Consumer Chemistry and Monitoring of Modular Learning Delivery
  •  Main author and researcher of CSANSCI Journey Towards Excellence

Inspirational Success Story:

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher is seeing your pupils thrive in life. And witnessing her kids attain their full potential and realize their aspirations is what makes Ma’am Marites’ profession so rewarding. She is a motivating instructor who always encourages and guides her students to success, and she has a talent for bringing out the best in each of them. She was always ready to answer questions, offer help, and provide constructive feedback during my time in her class. She never gave up on me, even while I was struggling with certain issues. or encountered tremendous challenges.
Ma’am Marites’ capacity to connect with her students on a human basis distinguishes her from other teachers. She spends time getting to know each of us and understanding our own learning styles, skills, and weaknesses. This individualized approach enabled her to tailor her instruction to our specific needs, which made a significant impact in our academic performance. performance. However, Ma’am Marites’ influence extends beyond the classroom. She is also a role model and mentor to her students, instilling virtues such as tenacity, dedication, and a strong work ethic. She instilled in us the value of having goals and working hard to attain them, as well as the necessity of pursuing our passions and never giving up on our aspirations.
Ma’am Marites is more than a teacher. She is an inspiration, a mentor, and a friend who has assisted numerous pupils in reaching their full potential. Her commitment to her craft and her students is amazing, and I am honored to have been one of her students.
She is an awardee of the Division as the Best Science Teacher, and she has won numerous awards as a Mentor/Research Adviser in various Division and Regional Research Competitions.
Dedication is a characteristic that is frequently ignored in today’s fast-paced environment. It takes a particular kind of person to devote oneself completely to a cause, and in Ma’am Marites’ case, that purpose is education. teaching unrelenting commitment to teaching kids has made her an inspiration to the community and a true educational leader. Ma’am Marites, being a teacher, understands the impact that education can have on a person’s life. She understands that a strong education can open doors and create chances that would otherwise be unavailable. This is why she has committed herself to assisting her students in reaching their greatest potential. Ma’am Marites sets a good example, and her dedication to her job is clear in all she does. She works long hours planning courses, grading papers, and giving students comments. She is constantly accessible to answer questions and provide help, and she is always willing to go above and above for her pupils. Ma’am Marites is distinguished not only by her dedication. It is her capacity to motivate her students to be the best versions of themselves that distinguishes her. She believes in each of her students and pushes them to strive for the stars. Her upbeat demeanor and unwavering support foster an environment in which her pupils feel confident in taking on new challenges and pursuing their aspirations. Ma’am Marites is a great leader in her field, and her devotion to her students is well-known. She has received countless honors and prizes for her services to education, and her students continue to excel long after they leave her classroom. The influence Ma’am Marites has had on the community, however, is perhaps the greatest testimonial to her leadership. Her commitment to education has motivated others to become involved and make a difference in young people’s lives. She has demonstrated that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Finally, Ma’am Marites is an inspiration to the community because of her commitment to education and her ability to guide her students to success. Her dedication to her profession and pupils is unrivaled, and her upbeat demeanor and unfailing support foster an environment in which her students may succeed. She is a great leader in her industry, and her influence on the community will last for years.
Evidence of her works:

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