Celebrating inspirational success stories around the world.
Accepting nominations until August 31, 2025.
Reminder before nomination
Please read completely the nomination guidelines, mechanics and other pertinent details before sending your nomination. The completeness and accuracy of your narratives and provided evidence contribute to the acceptance or rejection of nomination.
Ensure that your email address is correct. You should receive nomination acknowledgement upon your submission (check spam or other folders in your email). The selection committee will always contact the nominator through email on pertinent details about the nominee.
For assistance in your nomination, send email to ila@iiari.org.
Checklist before nomination
- The nominee is eligible for the award category.
- The nominee was not awarded/finalist in any category in the previous year.
- The nominator is not the nominee.
- The nomination is for a single award category.
- The narrative is specific to the award category.
- The submitted evidence/document relates to the award category.
- The evidence/document contains links to webpages and/or social media posting.
- The contact details of both nominee and nominator are correct.