Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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IJAIR Cover Page
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research

ISSN 2719-0617 (Print) 2719-0625 (Online)

Dr. Cirilo E. Mirano, Jr.

Editorial Board

Current institution:
University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Shinas, Oman


Cirilo Mirano
Gain substantial local and international experience in higher/university education as a lecturer in various business areas of human resources, marketing, business policy and strategy, research and other business and management related courses. Conducting research and serving as a research consultant for students, research panelist and research adviser for national research paper presentation. Served as an adviser and panelist on business plans and feasibility studies presentations and evaluation. Conducted various professional and non-professional trainings, seminars and workshops. Authored and published various teaching materials and research projects. Serving in different capacities in various college/university-wide committees and departmental committees. Industry experience on marketing, customer relations and technical support were also obtained.

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