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International Journal of Academe and Industry Research

ISSN 2719-0617 (Print) 2719-0625 (Online)

Impact of Green Pricing and Green Promotion on Buying Behaviour of Hypermarket Consumers

Asim Mehmood & Amiya Bhaumik
Volume 4 Issue 4, December 2023

Consumer buying behaviour (CBB) in Pakistani hypermarkets can be influenced by green pricing and green promotion by providing environmentally friendly products at competitive prices. This study intends to examine how green pricing and green promotion affect consumer buying decisions in Pakistani hypermarkets. A total of 185 questionnaires out of 220 were retrieved, with an 84% return rate, from different hypermarkets in Peshawar, Pakistan. AMOS 28 was employed to perform advanced structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis enabling a comprehensive examination of the relationships between green marketing practices, including green promotion and green pricing, and CBB. The measurement model was utilized to evaluate the instrument’s reliability and validity before the structural model was determined. The outcome showed that green pricing and promotion had a positive and significant association. Green pricing also had a substantial impact on CBB. The findings also point to a considerable and favorable influence of green promotion on CBB. Because the study is limited to the Peshawar area, it may not be able to extrapolate its findings to other contexts. In addition, the study only considers the effect of green pricing and promotion on customer behaviour ignoring other factors like personal views and attitudes that can also influence consumer behavior.

Keywords: green price, green promotion, consumer buying behaviour, hypermarkets, Pakistan


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Mehmood, A. & Bhaumik, A. (2023). Impact of green pricing and green promotion on buying behaviour of hypermarket consumers. International Journal of Academe and Industry Research, 4 (4), 47-71.


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