Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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IJAIR Cover Page
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research

ISSN 2719-0617 (Print) 2719-0625 (Online)

Guidelines for Authors

a. Before submission

i. Article type

The journal accepts any topic within its scope and coverage. The submitted article needs to have strong empirical evidence and make significant contribution to the field. It should have strong theoretical and/or methodological literature.

The submission is an original article, not have been nor considered for publishing elsewhere. If it is a republication, the author must obtain permission to republish the same. The author must obtain permission for any used copyrighted materials within the article.

This journal only accepts articles in English. It is the prime responsibility of the author to ensure that the paper’s quality is highly acceptable as to use of language, grammar and punctuations. Any use of discriminatory and bigoted terms is not acceptable.

ii. Manuscript format

The online submission requires only  MS Word file. There should be two files uploaded.

1 Anonymous file This file is used for the review process.
This full manuscript must not include the name and affiliation of the author/s. Any information related to the identity of the author/s must not be included within the full text.
2 Title page This file should contain the title of the article, name and affiliation of the author/s, abstract and key words.

The manuscript must include pertinent information of the author/s including name/s, affiliation/s, address and email address. The corresponding author, in case of multiple authors, must be properly indicated.

The structure of the manuscript includes:

  • Title – appropriate title to your article.
  • Abstract – the number of words should not be less than 150 but not more than 250.
  • Key words – a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 6 keywords.
  • Main body –it should contain the following:
    • Introduction
    • Literature Review
    • Methodology
    • Results and Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgement/Any declaration
    • References - at least 25 with 75% from the latest 5 years

Total word count including references must be between 6,000 to 8,000.

iii. Publication schedule

The journal has 4 issues in a year published every end of each quarter (March, June, September, December). It uses continuous submission and acceptance system. Any accepted articles after the quarter issue are also published online as 'online first articles', which are included in the next available issue.

This journal publishes quarterly issues every first day of the last month of each quarter with a grace period of five days. Accepted articles after the grace period fall under 'online first articles'.

iv. Peer-review process

The journal adheres to the double blind peer-review process. There are two phases of evaluation and review process.

  • Preliminary evaluation by the editor. The anonymous file submission is sent directly to the editor-in-chief and/or associate editor for preliminary evaluation. The editor evaluates the paper based on its fitness to journal scope or structural requirements. The decision of the preliminary evaluation will be sent within 1-2 days. If the paper is rejected, the author may be advised to consider other journals or follow the prescribed manuscript structure. If the paper is accepted, it is sent to reviewers.
  • Peer review. After the preliminary evaluation, the anonymous file is sent to reviewers composed of section editor or editorial board member and external reviewer. Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other’s identity. This process takes minimum of one week to a maximum of one month. The journal ensures that reviewers strictly comply with the ethical policy and standards. The result is sent to the corresponding author as soon as two reviews are done. The decision of the reviewers may be any of the following:
    • Accept. The article is accepted without revisions. The author is advised to pay the fees prior to the publication. The open access publishing agreement is then signed.
    • Accept with revision. The article is accepted either with minor or major revision. The paper is sent back to the corresponding author for the corrections. The author is given ample time to comply depending on the severity of the corrections. If the time given is insufficient, the author is advised to formally request extension through email. The author then submits the corrected article for final evaluation and proofreading. If the article is accepted, the author is advised to pay the fees and sign the open access publishing agreement prior to publication. However, if the paper requires further revision after the resubmission, the editorial board provides further revisions request through email or through discussion forum in the portal.
    • Reject. The paper is rejected for some major content issues.

v. Disclaimer

Prior to the publication, the author needs to sign open access publishing agreement. The editorial board evaluates article to identify serious misconduct such as plagiarism, falsification of data and material misstatements. Although the article follows rigorous process of evaluation and peer review, the authenticity of the data and information is the sole responsibility of the author.

b. Article submission

The files must be uploaded through the online submission form (click here). Your paper will be assigned Submission ID Number which you will use for all the communications related to the publication. Upon submission, you will receive submission confirmation acknowledgement approximately within 24 hours. If the editor found your paper not within the journal scope or not within the prescribed format, your submission may receive an early manuscript rejection decision.

The publication process and timeline is shown below:




Online submission

The author submits the research article through the online submission portal.

Preliminary evaluation

The editor-in-chief and/or associate editor evaluate the paper as to its fitness to the journal, formatting requirements and readiness for publication.

1 - 2 days

Double-blind review

Upon acceptance by the editor-in-chief and/or associate editor, managing editor or editorial assistant calls for reviewers. The reviewers are given one week for acceptance of the review assignment and three weeks for the review proper.

4 weeks

Revision & Resubmission

Upon receipt of at least two most appropriate reviews, the comments of the reviewers are sent to the corresponding author through email. The author revises the paper according to the suggestions given.

The resubmission must highlight the changes done within the revised paper and/or provide a discussion forum in the online submission portal.

The revised paper must be uploaded in the same submission section as 'revision' file.

2 weeks with extension as per author request

Publication acceptance

The editor-in-chief and/or associate editor evaluate the paper as to its readiness for publication. The managing editor or editorial assistant proofreads the paper as per the comments given by the reviewers.

1 week


Upon acceptance for publication, the author pays the article processing fee.

Copyediting & Formatting

The paper is sent to the copyeditor for final formatting. At this stage, the author may still need to address some reviewer comments not properly followed. The copyeditor ensures that the paper is structurally fit for international journal publication.

1 week

Article Publication

The final draft copy of the paper is sent to the author for confirmation. If the author finds necessary corrections, it should be communicated to the editorial assistant through email. The open access publishing agreement is signed upon confirmation of the final copy of the article.

The open access publishing agreement can be downloaded here.

You can download the step-by-step process of article submission and resubmission here.

c. Author Rights & Warranties

Open-access publications. The institute upholds and supports open access publication that allows global sharing of scholarly information without restrictions. Through this platform, free access to shared information promotes knowledge and education. The open access articles allow anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform with proper attribution.

Copyright. The open-access articles herein are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which grants anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform, commercially or non-commercially, with proper attribution. Authors retain the copyright but grant the journal the right to the first publication. Authors can use any contents of the article provided there is proper acknowledgement. Reprint and reproduction of the article does not require prior permission. Read full license details here:

Author Warranties

    • The article is an author’s original work.
    • It is not considered for publication nor any part previously published elsewhere.
    • The author confirms, to the best of his knowledge, the authenticity and integrity of the data gathered.
    • There are no fabrication, plagiarism, material misrepresentation, academic dishonesty, discriminatory and bigoted language contained in the article.
    • The author obtains prior permission for the use of any previously published text or material owned by another person.

Business Model

a. Our business model

IIARI publishes open-access articles with Article Processing Charge (APC) and prints full copies of the journals through Print-on-Demand scheme. Depending on the type of publication, the institute charges specific fee inclusive of review and language editing, lay-outing and copyediting. As a non-stock, non-profit organization, the institute sustains its operation, activities, international events and competitions through the fees collected from the clients.

b. Publishing revenues

Our main revenue comes from:

Article Processing Charge. We charge specific amount for publishing articles in the journal. The open-access articles with DOI are readily available online in pdf format and indexed in Google Scholar, among others. All full journal issues are available through Google Books.

Sale of Printed Journals. We sell printed journals on a Print-on-Demand scheme.  

Library subscription. We are open for library subscription and membership for a fee.

Article Processing Charges

The institute collects Article Processing Charge (APC) from the authors for $50. If the author aims to avail of the printed copy of the journal, an additional $50 is charged. For international shipment of the printed copies, the institute may collect courier fee of not more than $20.

The institute grants 20% reduction in the APC for editorial board, recognized reviewers and recognized members.

The institute can increase the APC without prior notice.

Guidelines for Reviewers

a. Selection of Reviewers

Recruitment of editorial board and reviewers. The journal recruits experts in the field to assist the editor in the evaluation and acceptance of papers. They are selected based on their qualification and specialization. The normal cycle for the selection of the new editorial board and reviewers is the first and last quarter of the year. Moreover, reviewers may express their intention to review articles upon registration in the submission portal (click 'Reviewer' option). All recognized editorial board and reviewers receive certificate of recognition.

Selection of reviewers for an article. All editorial board and reviewers must sign up to the online submission portal. This facilitates the submission, review and acceptance of all papers. All the editorial board and the external reviewers are considered for the evaluation and the review of any article based on their expertise. The reviewers consist of section editor and/or editorial board member and external reviewer. The editorial assistant randomly selects reviewers based on their specialization and research interests.

Acceptance of the review. Selected reviewers can either accept or reject any invitation for review. The reviewers are given maximum of one week to accept the review task. The review itself is within a period of three weeks. Any reviewer can also ignore the invite if he/she is not confident to accept the task.

b. Review Process

All submitted papers duly accepted for suitability to journal scope or structural requirements are sent to the reviewers. The journal editorial staff reserve the right to choose the appropriate reviewer based on their knowledge of the topic. The reviewers normally are composed of section editor and/or editorial board member and external reviewer.

The journal adheres to the double blind peer-review process. Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other’s identity. Invitations are sent to potential reviewers. Thereafter, the paper is sent only to those who agreed to accept the review invite.

Any submission goes for two evaluation and review process: a) preliminary evaluation by the editor-in-chief and/or associate editor and b) peer review. The editor-in-chief and/or associate editor evaluate the paper based on its fitness to journal scope or structural requirements while the reviewers give detailed comments on the paper based on the evaluation criteria.

The journal uses the OJS-PKP platform and workflow for the submission and review of articles. For guidance and assistance on the use of the portal, you can download the workflow guidelines here.

c. Review Results

The result of the review may be any of the following: accept, accept with revision (minor or major) or reject.

  • Accept. The article is accepted without revisions. The author is advised to pay the fees prior to the publication. The open access publishing agreement is then signed.
  • Accept with revision. The article is accepted either with minor or major revision. The paper is sent back to the corresponding author for the corrections. The author is given ample time to comply depending on the severity of the corrections. If the time given is insufficient, the author is advised to formally request extension through email. The author then submits the corrected article for final evaluation and proofreading. If the article is accepted, the author is advised to pay the fees and sign the open access publishing agreement prior to publication. However, if the paper requires further revision after the resubmission, the editorial board provides further revisions request through email or through discussion forum in the portal.
  • Reject. The paper is rejected for some major content issues.


The entire review process takes minimum one week to maximum one month. However, it is highly dependent on various uncontrollable circumstances. The journal ensures adherence to the proper timeline which completes the submission to final publication acceptance within the maximum 60 days.

The decision of the editor is communicated to the corresponding author through email. The feedback is sent to the author upon receipt of at least two reviews.

d. Editorial code of conduct

Independence. The editorial board has the sole right to accept and/or reject articles for publication without interference from the publisher and/or external bodies. However, the board must ensure that decisions are impartial and free from any bias.

Confidentiality. The journal editors must treat all submissions with strict confidentiality. There should not be disclosure of any article contents and should not be used for personal gain or advantage.

Timeliness. The editors must take actions in a timely manner. They must ensure that any issue is acted upon promptly.

Conflict of Interest. Any conflict of interest must be formally declared. For authors, any conflict of interest must be specifically written in the article and communicated to the editor. For reviewers, any conflict of interest that may have affected their review must be declared and communicated to the editor-in-chief.

Misconduct. Any form of academic misconduct shall be dealt with accordingly by the publisher and journal editor-in-chief. The IIARI has a standing ethics committee to deal and hear cases of misconduct involving authors, reviewers and editors. The alleged violators shall be called for the hearing process. Any proven misconduct of authors involving falsification and plagiarism shall be equivalent to rejection or retraction of the article. Meanwhile, misconduct of editors and reviewers on confidentiality bears administrative sanctions including removal from the board.

e. Benefits of becoming a reviewer

Editorial board and reviewer roles are on a voluntary basis. As such, no monetary compensation is given for the services. However, there are non-financial and other financial incentives including:

a. Discounts. Editorial board members and reviewers are granted fixed 20% discount on all fees related to journal and book publication, training and courses and other fees.

b. Certificate. All recognized editorial board and reviewers receive a certificate of recognition.

c. Outstanding Reviewer of the Year. All reviewers are eligible for the annual Outstanding Reviewer of the Year award. Details of the award can be found here.

Post-publication Guidelines

a. Issuance of certificate of publication

Published authors receive the Certificate of Publication. Corresponding authors receive e-Certificate of Publication from the editorial assistant as soon as the paper is published online. All communications and release of e-certificates are through the corresponding author's email address.

b. Appeal, compalints & corrections

Appeal. Any author whose article has been rejected is given the right to appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted through an email to the editor-in-chief or the publisher. The author needs to explain reasons for the wrong decision. The editorial board forms an ad hoc committee to hear the appeal. The decision of the committee shall be final and executory, which should be communicated to the author.

Complaints. Any complaints against the journal should be filed directly to the publisher in the first instance. The publisher forms an ethics ad hoc committee to hear the case. IIARI adheres to ethical standards that any misconduct by any staff shall be dealt with accordingly.

Corrections. The author receives a draft copy of the manuscript prior to the publication for final checking and verification. If errors are found after the publication, the same are corrected through an erratum, retraction of the article or in-line correction. Any errors found should be communicated to the editor-in-chief who shall investigate the matter to be communicated to the author. For any plagiarism, material misstatement or academic dishonesty found, the article shall be retracted.

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