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Entrepreneurial engagement of business graduates in Region XI with entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial education as determinants: A convergent mixed methods study

Jesson Rey F. Sabado & Presentacion C. Acosta

The engagement of entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial operations is often hampered by its inability to obtain the required resources and the suitable knowledge and skills. The primary aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial engagement of business graduates in Region XI. The study employed a convergent mixed methods design, where 300 purposively chosen respondents participated in the quantitative strand and 17 in the qualitative part. Empirical data revealed that the overall entrepreneurial engagement and entrepreneurial education of business graduates were high, whereas the entrepreneurial motivation was very high.  Moreover, the findings indicated that entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial education had significant combined influence on entrepreneurial engagement with the former having a greater influence on entrepreneurial engagement.  On the qualitative strand, the following a priori themes were generated: behavioral control, subjective norm, attitude towards self-employment, non-cognitive entrepreneurial skills, cognitive entrepreneurial skill, action-based teaching methods, and school engagement. As to the quantitative and qualitative data corroboration, the nature of integration is merging-confirmation.

entrepreneurial self-development, behavioral cognitive, entrepreneurial skills, convergent mixed methods

Jesson Rey F. Sabado. Corresponding author. Doctor of Business and Management at the University of the Immaculate Conception. Faculty member of the University of Mindanao, Main Campus. Email:

Presentacion C. Acosta. DBM

“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

This paper is presented in the 1st International Conference on Management, Education & Innovation 2024 held on January 20, 2024.

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Sabado, JR.F. & Acosta, P.C. (2024). Entrepreneurial engagement of business graduates in Region XI with entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial education as determinants: A convergent mixed methods study. Management, Education & Innovation Review, 1(1), 113-150.


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