Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research

6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry & Academic Research

Co-presented by College of Teacher Education, Aklan State University, Philippines

July 10-11, 2025, Aklan State University Conference Hall, Philippines (onsite), Zoom (online)

Theme: Sustaining collaboration through research and education


Registered participants receive certificate of recognition for paper presentations. 


Registered authors receive certificate of publication after the paper is published in the conference proceedings.


Registered participants receive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate from United Kingdom.

Important due dates

Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2025

Deadline for registration and payment: June 6, 2025

Notice of acceptance: within a week after submission

Conference fee

The conference fee is a 3-in-1 payment that includes research presentation, journal publication (subsequent to a double-blind peer review process) and a professional development certificate. Once the conference fee is paid, refund is not allowed for non-attendance and/or withdrawal of the paper from the conference and/or journal publication. Any author may withdraw any accepted paper from journal publication without the corresponding refund of fees.

Conference certification & endorsement

CPD Certified

This conference is certified by The CPD Certification Services of United Kingdom. 

Onsite $100 (P5000 Philippine participant) $130 (P6500 Philippine participant)
Online $80 (P4000 Philippine participant) $100 (P5000 Philippine participant)
Listener (with CPD) $40 (P2000 Philippine participant) $75 (P3500) for onsite, $50 (P2500) for online
Listener (without CPD) $20 (P1000 Philippine participant) $40 (P2000) for onsite, $30 (P1500) for online


Request letter of invite for the conference or download the conference program and book of abstracts.

    Contact Details:

    Choose a conference to attend:

    Submission details

    This conference only accepts submission through the OJS/PKP submission portal. No submission is acknowledged through email. Submission to the conference can be: a) paper abstract; b) extended abstract; or c) full paper. Papers are evaluated for fitness to the conference track and readiness for publication either in the book of abstract or online conference proceedings publication.

    a. Paper abstract

    Author can submit the abstract of article for conference presentation consideration if the research is still ongoing. The paper is evaluated as to fitness to the conference scope and track. As soon as the paper is completed, the author updates the abstract prior to the printing of the book of abstract. The author is also required to submit the extended abstract for online conference proceedings publication. You need to upload title page without author name. This is used for evaluation purposes only.

    b. Extended abstract

    Author can submit the extended abstract of the paper for evaluation and review. If accepted, the submission is considered for both the book of abstract and online proceedings publication. You need to upload two files:

    • Anonymous extended abstract. This file is used for the review process. This must not contain any information related to the identity of the author/s.
    • Title page. This file should contain the title of the article, name and affiliation of the author/s, abstract and key words.
    c. Full paper

    Author can submit the completed research papers for evaluation and review. If accepted, the submission is considered for both the book of abstract and online proceedings publication. The reviewers might give detailed feedback which can be incorporated to the revised version before the submission to the appropriate journal. You need to upload two files:

    • Anonymous file. This file is used for review process. This full manuscript must not include the name and affiliation of the author/s and any other information related to the identity of the author/s.
    • Title page. This file should contain the title of the article, name and affiliation of the author/s, abstract and key words.

    The online submission requires only MS Word file. Ensure to follow the proper template to avoide early rejection of the paper.  You can click on each link to download the templates. Use the appropriate template for your submission. READ FULL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES



    Ts. Dr. Rosdiyan Hasham

    Director of Ranking, Department of Rankings, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Global, Malaysia
    Dean Jomar

    Dr. Jomar Fajardo Rabajante

    Dean of the Graduate School, University of the Philippines Los Baños
    Ina Smith

    Ms. Ina Smith

    Planning Manager, Academy of Science of South Africa & DOAJ Ambassador, Southern Africa Region


    December 12, 2020

    Congratulations to all the presenters and IIARI team. The studies presented can contribute more for the improvement in the remote distance learning. Participants showed professionalism and respect.


    December 12, 2020 is my first time to attend international conference with more than 8 countries participating. Very informative...thank you for this opportunity!


    December 12, 2020

    The flow of the conference was clear and there was minimal glitches on technical aspect. It was a good avenue for researchers to showcase and share best practices.


    December 12, 2020

    Congratulations for a well organized research congress. It is our honor to be part of this event. Thank you so much and God bless.

    2nd ICMIAR-2021

    July 31, 2021

    Very informative speakers, commendable presentations, and very satisfactory webinar management.

    2nd ICMIAR-2021

    July 31, 2021

    Thank you so much IIARI, the keynote speakers are great specially Ms. Keyser. The presenters are also good, it can help me to come up with a topic related to my field (education).

    2nd ICMIAR-2021

    July 31, 2021

    Congratulations to the organizer, to the key note speakers, session chairs and all the presenters of this international conference. Job well done! Hoping for more conferences like this. Thank you!

    2nd ICMIAR-2021

    July 31, 2021

    Congratulations to the organizer for a very successful conference! We look forward to participating in more productive activities like this. Thank you very much.

    3rd ICMIAR-2022

    July 29-30, 2022

    I am honored to be part of this international conference in which I witness the greatness of the researchers in terms of presenting different amazing topics. This is really great and I do learn a lot. Please continue this high quality of research conference where in it showcased the capability of the academe to find the cause and solution of the problem within the society. Thank you and more power.

    3rd ICMIAR-2022

    July 29-30, 2022

    Congratulations to IIARI for continuous support to LSPU in terms of enhancing research culture! Congratulations also to all the presenters for 2 days conference. Thank you very much for the opportunity IIARI!

    3rd ICMIAR-2022

    July 29-30, 2022

    Thank You for appreciating and recognizing our research paper. It was indeed a wonderful experience for all of us researchers to be part of this 2 day virtual conference.

    3rd ICMIAR-2022

    July 29-30, 2022

    What a great conference! Good job! Keep it up! I would like to suggest if held online next time you could have an option for a physical certificate and the courier and other expenses should be shouldered by the participant if he/she want to avail and delivered.

    4th ICMIAR-2023

    July 7-8, 2023

    Thank you for the hybrid, especially for those who have limited funds for face to face attendance. 

    4th ICMIAR-2023

    July 7-8, 2023

    Requires more technical and technological interaction and improvement on sound system. There are parts of the plenary that we missed out due to technical problem.

    4th ICMIAR-2023

    July 7-8, 2023

    The best part of the conference was the paper presensation followed by the socialization night.


    Tourist Destinations


    Take advantage of the discounted conference fees! If you need further assistance, you can always email us.

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