Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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Industry & Academic Research Review

ISSN 2719-146X (Print) 2719-1478 (Online)

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Mathematics Learning Strategies and Ability of the Students at Laguna State Polytechnic University for Academic Year 2021-2022


Mathematics is one of the main lessons that students should learn, proficiency in this field can be said to be a success if students can achieve. Some students have difficulty with it, and many say that mathematics is one of the most difficult lessons to learn. To support, this study determines the mathematics learning strategies and ability of first year college students. The use of survey-correlational method of research led in achieving the objectives of the study participated by 100 from 200 randomly selected first year college students who were officially enrolled in Laguna State Polytechnic University during the Academic Year 2021-2022. The results further showed that first year college students had “average” ability in mathematics. Mathematics ability as measured by their grade has a descriptive equivalent of “satisfactory”. There were significant relationship in the mathematics ability according to mathematics learning strategies. In addition, school facilities, availability of educational materials and school conduciveness to learning are among the factors which may have also contributed to students’ mathematics learning strategies and ability. Furthermore, school factors especially teachers and home factors may also contribute to students’ learning ability in mathematics. The study suggests that teachers of mathematics should place more emphasis on engaging students in the task of learning, provide more opportunities for practical sessions during which students communicate in mathematics, and create a virtual/spiritual/imaginary environment in which students can engage in all aspects.

Keywords: environmental management, awareness, satisfaction, need for action

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