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Management, Education & Innovation Review

ISSN 3027-9682 (Print) 3027-9690 (Online)

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Viewpoints of students toward direct instruction in remedial class: Input for a proposed learning plan in physical science

John Kenneth G. Manozon & Jasper M. Del Valle

This study focused on the viewpoints of students toward direct instruction. It was conducted at the San Pablo City Integrated High School, Division of San Pablo City. The respondents were learners who did not meet the expectation for the subject. The study was conducted at San Pablo City Integrated High School during the EOSY 2021-2022. The input of the research is to design a remedial learning plan based on the responses of the students. The study utilized qualitative research in a case study setting. The case study interview was recorded and the thematic analysis codes were given in harmony with their responses. From the codes themes were assembled to have the findings of the study. From the findings a learning plan was set up. The findings show that the codes processed form the responses the viewpoints of learners toward direct instruction give these themes as responses – delivery of the lesson, lesson retention, coping with the learning process, prior knowledge in the subject, and learning gap. With these responses, a remedial learning plan was prepared. This holistic research encompasses the viewpoints of remedial students on the direct instruction utilized during remedial class. The input for a learning plan was solely based on the responses of the learners.

direct instruction, remediation, learning plan, thematic analysis

John Kenneth G. Manozon. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education. San Pablo City Integrated High School. Teacher III.

Jasper M. Del Valle. Doctor of Philosophy. San Pablo City Integrated High School. Head Teacher III.

“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

This paper is presented in the 1st International Conference on Management, Education & Innovation 2024 held on January 20, 2024.

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Cite this article:

Manozon, J.K.G. & Del Valle, J.M. (2024). Viewpoints of students toward direct instruction in remedial class: Input for a proposed learning plan in physical science. Management, Education & Innovation Review, 1(1), 57-65.


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