Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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Industry & Academic Research Review

ISSN 2719-146X (Print) 2719-1478 (Online)

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Dr. Benjamin Orpiano Alo

Editorial Board

Current institution:
Duy Tan University, Vietnam


Dr. Benjie has been a university professor in business and administration and management for decades. The pursuit of his academic excellence is attributed to his professional teaching experiences in the notable colleges and universities in the Philippines and abroad. He also assumed several committee chairmanships and acted as external examiner of a university in Malaysia. He finished his Doctor of Philosophy in Management at University of the Cordilleras in the Philippines.
His research paradigm geared towards total quality management, management and entrepreneurship. His being mentor to undergraduate research students has given him wider perspective of research projects and proposal evaluations. He monitors and supervises more than 50 undergraduate research proposals as a research professor. He authored a research on graduate attributes and presented papers in international conference.

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