The study explores the role of ChatGPT in the development of a micro-level framework for Educational Technology (EdTech). This study employed an inductive research design particularly a Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) approach from thirty-four private secondary high school teachers in the Philippines. To gather insights from specific participants, a semi-structured interview format was utilized. The instrument went through face validation from two experts well-versed in education research, instrumentation, and three-stage prompts. In addition, using JAMOVI software, Fleiss’ Kappa was used with a value of 0.715 indicating a substantial agreement among the expert validators. The interviews were designed to be open-ended, allowing for a flexible exploration of the research topic then subjected for data analysis with the aid of QDA Miner lite software. The findings revealed three (3) distinct milieux: pedagogical support, professional development, and ethical sense. In the (a) pedagogical support milieu, ChatGPT emerges as a virtual compass, offering real-time assistance, explanations, and guidance for teachers. It demonstrates the capability to answer questions, clarify concepts, and provide step-by-step support, crafted to individual students' needs and learning styles; within the (b) redesigning milieu, it serves as a catalyst for adapting and recalibrating assessment and teaching strategies to suit learning purpose; and (c) ethical sense milieu highlights various implications, including data privacy, plagiarism, transparency, accountability, and overly reliant to the AI tool. Thus, this paper offers a micro-level framework anchored to the ChatGPT’s role in EdTech and aims to stimulate further scholarly discourse in the field.
ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, qualitative, constructivist grounded theory, educational technology, framework
Carie Justine P. Estrellado. 1Corresponding author. Doctor of Philosophy candidate. Graduate School and Institute of Professional Development, St. Dominic Savio College. Email:
Glen B. Millar. Master of Arts in Education – Educational Management, College Instructor, First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH) Colleges.
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Estrellado, C.P. & Millar, G.B. (2023). ChatGPT: Towards educational technology micro-level framework. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 3 (4), 101-127.
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