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Journal of Allied Health Sciences & Medical Research

ISSN 3082-4583 (Print) 3082-4591 (Online)

Community needs assessment and status of primary health care in Middle Sitio Baloc

Maria Mikaela P. Altea, Karl Bea M. Mapote, Kaila V. Del Mundo, Katrina Guillermo, John Andrei D. Belen, Trishia Camille C. Orapa, Kathleen B. Corcolon & Marc Lester F. Quintana
Volume 1 Issue 1, March 2025

Community needs assessment emphasizes the challenges and needs of individuals to enhance their standard of living, as well as the status of primary health care, which ensures that patients receive first-rate and all-inclusive care to supply the services they need. This study examined the primary health care status and community needs of the participants, which are the total enumeration of the heads of the family in Middle Sitio Baloc, Sto. Niño, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines. A descriptive-developmental research design was used to assess the community needs and health status, utilizing an adapted and modified questionnaire. Findings of the study showed that most of the participants’ monthly income ranges from 2,001 to 5,000 pesos only and most wives are unemployed. Electricity and water sources are not available within the community. In home and environmental conditions, poor ventilation and lighting and lack of proper materials to build a solid foundation of houses were evident. In terms of knowledge, attitude, and practices, it appeared that most of them are not utilizing health center services due to lack of transportation. Moreover, health care workers’ therapeutic management was found accessible when it comes to the status of primary health care. This study argues three categorical problems, including socioeconomic data, eight prioritizing problems in the community, and community knowledge, attitude and practice.

community needs, assessment, Middle Sitio Baloc, primary health care

Maria Mikaela P. Altea. Corresponding author. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City. Email:

Karl Bea M. Mapote. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City.

Kaila V. Del Mundo. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City.

Katrina Guillermo. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City.

John Andrei D. Belen. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City.

Trishia Camille C. Orapa. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Canossa College San Pablo City.

Kathleen B. Corcolon. R.N., M.A.N., Canossa College San Pablo City.

Marc Lester Quintana. Ed-D, M.A.N., R.N. (US-RN), Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Sciences, City College of Calamba.

"Author 4 and Author 5 conceptualized and finalized the research framework. All authors were involved in drafting and revising the manuscript. All authors collaborated in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting the data. Authors 7 and 8 provided guidance during the revision process and granted approval for publication. All authors contributed to the writing of the final version of the manuscript."

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines of Canossa College. The conduct of this study has been approved and given relative clearance(s) by Canossa College and the barangay officials of Sitio Baloc, Sto. Niño, San Pablo City, Laguna.

AI tools were not used in writing this paper.

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Cite this article:

Altea, M.K.P., Mapote, K.B.M., Del Mundo, K.V., Guillermo, K., Belen, J.A.D., Orapa, T.C.C., Corcolon, K.B. & Quintana, M.L.F. (2025). Community needs assessment and status of primary health care in Middle Sitio Baloc. Journal of Allied Health Sciences & Medical Research, 1(1), 42-67.


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