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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

ISSN 2799-1601 (Print) 2799-161X (Online)

Contextualized Question-Embedded Video-Based Teaching and Learning Tool: A Pathway in Improving Students’ Interest and Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills

Jeerhic S. Malaluan & Rose R. Andrade
Volume 3 Issue 2, June 2023


Filipino students exhibit lower levels of performance in mathematics and science competency compared to neighboring countries based on national and international surveys. The root cause of this issue is the decline in students’ interest in learning mathematics alongside their insufficient critical thinking skills. This has posed challenges among mathematics teachers to innovate ways on how to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and motivate students towards better performance in mathematics. The primary objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a contextualized question-embedded video-based teaching and learning tool on the interest and mathematical critical thinking skills of Grade 10 students. The study used a descriptive experimental research design with the REACT and Socratic methods to contextualize and embed questions in the video tool. A survey questionnaire was used to assess students’ interest before and after utilization, and a pretest and posttest assessment was conducted to evaluate students’ interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference skills. Based on the findings, using a contextualized question-embedded video-based teaching and learning tool is effective in increasing students’ interest and critical thinking skills. Moreover, there was a significant difference between students’ mathematical interest in terms of their attitude, initiatives, mathematics experience, and the utilization of contextualized question-embedded video-based teaching and learning tool. The pretest and posttest results of the experimental and control groups also showed significant differences in critical thinking skills. The study concludes that using contextualized question-embedded video-based as teaching and learning tools effectively improves students’ interest and critical thinking skills in Mathematics. Further larger-scale studies with different grade levels can validate the findings of the current study.

Keywords: Contextualized, Question-embedded, Interest, Critical thinking skills


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Cite this article:

Malaluan, J.S. & Andrade, R.R. (2023). Contextualized Question-Embedded Video-Based Teaching and Learning Tool: A Pathway in Improving Students’ Interest and Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 3 (2), 39-64.


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