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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

ISSN 2799-1601 (Print) 2799-161X (Online)

H-index: 7
ICV: 87.82

Development and evaluation of an Arduino-based multi-sensor aquaculture water quality monitoring kit

Izza Amiel P. Calajate, Trixie A. Babala, Ayume L. Paulite, Maria Hanna Isabelle V. Lagrisola, Althea Marie D. Aguilan, Daryll Z. Dela Pasion, Cedric Jay A. De Vera, Godwin Andrei C. Cruz, Clven Louis V. Factor, Jazmine Pia L. Templonuevo, Zarah M. Lamzaghi, Kenneth Gabriel Z. Riñon & Jonathan A. De los Santos
Volume 4 Issue 3, September 2024

Fish farmers struggle with the problem of fish mortality due to climate change, poisoning, and bad water quality. Estimates on the mortality of fishes ranges from 60% to 80% depending on the type of fish. Traditional approaches in monitoring the quality of water such as observation or laboratory testing prove to be costly and time-consuming. This study aims to develop a portable water quality monitoring kit for fish farms. The device allows users to monitor the water's dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, total dissolved solids, turbidity, temperature, and pH level. It is powered by a rechargeable battery, uses an Arduino microcontroller, and has a real-time alert system. The device's limitations include the battery life and the sensors will need to be recalibrated at least monthly to ensure the accuracy of the readings. However, the results show that the implementation of the device garnered high acceptability in all parameters in the evaluation with a total mean rating of 4.66. This implies that the device can be used in monitoring the water quality in aquaculture sectors as corroborated by the respondent's evaluation. It is recommended to enhance the device by adding more water quality sensors and integrating Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities to further improve its functionality and reliability.

aquaculture, Arduino, water quality monitoring, sensors, real-time alerts

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Izza Amiel P. Calajate. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Trixie A. Babala. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Ayume L. Paulite. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Maria Hanna Isabelle V. Lagrisola. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Althea Marie D. Aguilan. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Daryll Z. Dela Pasion. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Cedric Jay A. De Vera. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Godwin Andrei C. Cruz. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Clven Louis V. Factor. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Jazmine Pia L. Templonuevo. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Zarah M. Lamzaghi. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Kenneth Gabriel Z. Riñon. Undergraduate Student, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte
Jonathan A. De los Santos. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education, Teacher IV, Mabini Colleges, Incorporated, Daet, Camarines Norte. Email:

Cite this article:

Calajate, I.A.P., Babala, T.A., Paulite, A.L., Lagrisola, M.I.V., Aguilan, A.M.D., Dela Pasion, D.Z., De Vera, C.J.A., Cruz, G.A.C., Factor, C.L.V., Templonuevo, J.P.L., Lamzaghi, Z.M., Riñon, K.G.Z. & De los Santos, J.A. (2024). Development and evaluation of an arduino-based multi-sensor aquaculture water quality monitoring kit. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 4(3), 1-29.


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