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International Journal of Academe and Industry Research

ISSN 2719-0617 (Print) 2719-0625 (Online)

H-index: 7
ICV: 81.83

Dynamics of job satisfaction and its intervening effect: An empirical study of diversified company

Noleesha Francess, Anuradha Iddagoda & D.H.S.W. Dissanayake
Volume 3 Issue 4, December 2022

The purpose of this study is to unearth and bridge a population gap, which is the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between dynamics of job satisfaction, i.e., work-life balance, leadership and employee retention. This is quantitative study with hypothesis testing through correlational investigation in a non-contrive setting. Conducted with minimum researchers' interference, the time horizon of this study is cross-sectional with individual unit of analysis, i.e. managerial employees and non-managerial employees in XYZ diversified company using 77 samples selected based on simple random sampling. Data was gathered through a self-directed questionnaire. In order to bridge the identified population gap, a set of hypotheses was developed based on theoretical and empirical justifications. The findings suggest that there is a mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between work-life balance and retention. As employee retention is crucial for any organization's success, organizations should give more emphasis on the constructs such as work-life balance and job satisfaction in order to enhance retention of employees.

employee retention, job satisfaction, leadership, work-life balance

Noleesha Francess. Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (CIPM).

Anuradha Iddagoda. Corresponding author. Senior Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

D.H.S.W. Dissanayake. Senior Lecturer. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

This paper is presented in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research

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Cite this article:

Noleesha Francess, Anuradha Iddagoda & D.H.S.W. Dissanayake (2022). Dynamics of job satisfaction and its intervening effect: An empirical study of diversified company. International Journal of Academe and Industry Research, 3(4), 60-82.


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