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International Journal of Academe and Industry Research

ISSN 2719-0617 (Print) 2719-0625 (Online)

The nexus between socio-demographic factors and participation of special groups in public procurement of works in local government authorities

Ester Ryoba, Debora Kisinga & Richard Msacky
Volume 5 Issue 3, September 2024

Examining the nexus between socio-demographic factors and the participation of special groups in the public procurement of work is essential to inform policymakers and stakeholders in the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Tanzania about the need for targeted initiatives to promote and enhance the participation of youths, women, the elderly and people with disabilities who are considered as special groups in public procurement. In this study, a cross-sectional research design was used, and a simple random sampling technique was applied to select 164 respondents. A questionnaire survey was conducted among employees in LGAs, drawing insights from Dodoma, a city in Tanzania. The data were analyzed using descriptive and binary logistic regression analysis. The findings revealed a low level of participation of special groups in the public procurement of works. Further analysis showed that sex and age are significantly associated with the participation of special groups in the public procurement of works. The study recommends that LGAs provide targeted support to special groups to help them participate in public procurement of works. This can include training and capacity-building programs and financial support to help them meet the procurement requirements of works. In addtion, it is recommended that policymakers take a leading role in reviewing and strengthening the existing legal framework and policies related to participation in public procurement in Tanzania. This includes ensuring that the laws and regulations explicitly promote the participation of special groups.

socio-demographic factors, participation, special groups, public procurement, local government authorities

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Ester Ryoba. Department of Procurement, College of Business Education.

Debora Kisinga. Department of Procurement, College of Business Education.

Richard Msacky. Corresponding author. Department of Business Administration, College of Business Education. Email:

Cite this article:

Ryoba, E., Kisinga, D. & Msacky, R. (2024). The nexus between socio-demographic factors and participation of special groups in public procurement of works in local government authorities. International Journal of Academe and Industry Research, 5(3), 46-69.


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