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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

ISSN 2799-1601 (Print) 2799-161X (Online)

Exploring the Exploits on the Instructional Conveyance of Robotics Course to the 4Cs of 21st Century Education

Lawrence G. Agapito
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2021


This explanatory sequential mixed-method research proposes an investigation on the implementation of Robotics course at the Information and Communication Technology High School. Data were generated from relatable knowledge and experiences of the student-participants. The quantitative findings illustrated that it is highly evident amongst students to be able to articulate the standards of the competencies prescribed in the Robotics curriculum and instruction. A highly evident result in the adherence of Robotics to the framework of 21st Century Learning was also registered and thus translates into the relevance and responsiveness of the course in the 21st Century Education frontline. Meanwhile, ten (10) student-participants explicitly described the contribution of Robotics in the pursuit of the 4Cs of education. The qualitative part validated the upshot of the quantitative section. Findings highlight the significance of Robotics in the pursuit of 21st century skills that underscore enhanced ICT skills, focused life-long learning skills, increased knowledge creation, developed creativity skills, enriched critical thinking skills, improved collaborative skills, progressed communication skills, human challenges, and physical barriers. The offering of Robotics in ICTHS has made significant impact on the overall concepts and skills of the students in technology, thus making them life-long learners. However, adjustment in terms of instruction and acquisition of additional state-of-the-art robotics kits were found to be indispensable in the continuous progress of the program.

Keywords: robotics, 21st century education, mixed-method research, 4Cs


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