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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

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Exploring The Leadership of Elementary School Principals in The Post-Pandemic Education: A Collaizi Method

Maria Cielo A. Plata, Ma. Djoannalyn C. Evangelista, Rosanna P. Deduyo & Carie Justine P. Estrellado
Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022
Presented in 2nd International Research Competition 2022, November 15, 2022


This study aimed to explore the challenges and school leadership of elementary school principals in transitioning to post-pandemic education. It employed Colaizzi method, a qualitative approach. Pertinent data were obtained through in-depth and written interviews using semi-structured interview questions from eleven principals in the various public elementary schools in the municipality of Candelaria, Quezon province. The analysis presented three (3) themes of school leadership and management: challenges, leadership and responsibilities, and strategic responses as “tip of the iceberg.” The study revealed the following findings: the health and security of learners and personnel, academic performance of the learners and learning gap being the big issues, restricted mobility, budget and funds, and the work arrangement of the teachers are the most common challenges encountered. Also, top-down management was perceived as the common style for transitioning to the post-pandemic set-up. The findings reflected that although the standards of education are in paucity and has school forms-rigor-submission culture, still the priority is mainly focused on the basic academic which are reading, writing and numeracy, and health awareness.

Keywords: school principals, leadership, management, post-pandemic education

*This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022, Category 2 Undergraduate


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Cite this article:

Plata, M.A., Evangelista, M.C., Deduyo, R.P. & Estrellado, C.P. (2022). Exploring The Leadership of Elementary School Principals in The Post-Pandemic Education: A Collaizi Method. The Research Probe, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 170 - 175.


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