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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

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Tracer Study of Business Graduates of a Private Higher Educational Institution

Eric S. Parilla & Jayson V. Tan
Volume 3 Issue 1 June 2023
Presented in 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference, February 16-17, 2023


This research paper is a graduate tracer study conducted to monitor the whereabouts of the graduates of College of Business Education. It employed a descriptive research design and analysis used frequencies, percentages, and weighted means. The respondents where 166 graduates of a business school in the Philippines from year 1997 to 2023 using quota sampling. Results showed that most of the graduates are now employed and they found jobs three months after graduation. Graduates felt that they had not reached their full potential and that the College lacked some aspects of research skills, exposure to the international community, opportunity abroad, and salary improvement. The results imply further development in the College business curriculum since the graduates suggested ways strategies for improvement from their actual industrial experience intensified by the challenges they faced at work.

Keywords: Tracer study, College of Business Education, employability, skills

*This paper is presented at the 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference hosted by Northwestern University”


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Cite this article:

Parilla, E.S. & Tan, J.V. (2023). Tracer Study of Business Graduates of a Private Higher Educational Institution. The Research Probe, 3 (1), 7-11.


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