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ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

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Experiences of Blockchain Technology Users

Karen Joy Catacutan, Carl John Cuagdan, Chie Anne Gammad, Jinky Valencia, Kimberly Claire Lacambra, Rachelle Aglugob & Alicia Tuliao
Volume 3 Issue 1 June 2023
Presented in 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference, February 16-17, 2023


Over the years, blockchain technology’s immense growth has made its way as a prominent and relevant financial technology, bringing numerous opportunities to its users. Blockchain can provide new opportunities and benefits that enable users to engage through digital trading assets such as cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFT) stored inside a blockchain. Although studies about blockchain have been limited, this study initially explores the users’ experiences with this novel technology which seem to be significant to new entrants and future research studies. This paper provides an overview of using blockchain technology as it gathers altogether the reasons and challenges of using blockchain and its features that technology users commonly experience. It aims at examining the technology’s key issues, blockchain attributes, and users’ intention of using blockchain out of all the other financial technologies. The paper highlights four broad limitations that blockchain technology presents: novelty, income opportunity, scalability, and regulation, and conveys how these challenges could impact blockchain adoption among other financial technologies (FinTechs).

Keywords: Blockchain, Financial Technology, Cryptocurrency, Non-Fungible Token (NFT), Users’ Experiences, Perception

*This paper is presented at the 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference hosted by Northwestern University”


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Cite this article:

Catacutan, K., Cuagdan, C., Gammad, C., Valencia, J. Lacambra, K., Aglugob, R. & Tuliao, A. (2023). Experiences of Blockchain Technology Users. The Research Probe, 3(1), 20 -29.


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