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Entrepreneurial Competencies of University Graduates and Their Usefulness to Business Management

Karen Joy Catacutan, Nicole Mae T. Domingo, Cristina Mae Ojerio, Nathalie Ubias & Mary Ann Bartolome
Volume 3 Issue 1 June 2023
Presented in 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference, February 16-17, 2023


Entrepreneurial competencies can help your success as a business owner. These are fundamental personality traits that can result in exceptional knowledge, abilities, and attitudes, as well as considerable job performance that is conducive to entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study was to examine the level of entrepreneurial competencies of University graduates and their use in business management. Ninety respondents comprised of business owners answered the questionnaire. Furthermore, it was determined that business owners who graduated from the University held these entrepreneurial competencies considerably and found it moderately useful. Furthermore, no significant differences in the level of entrepreneurial competencies are found when respondents are divided by age, gender, business type, and length of operation. However, there is significant difference in the level of entrepreneurial competencies when respondents are group according to department. This study indicates that entrepreneurial competencies are necessary for professional success in today’s employment market. Due to the current level of complexity and unpredictability, this type of expertise is essential to drive global and digital change, generate valuable commodities, and develop creative services as part of a team. In this way, the abilities that support the behaviors enable us to focus and be receptive to novelty, develop value, and communicate effectively.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Competencies, Business Management, University of Saint Louis

*This paper is presented at the 4th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference hosted by Northwestern University


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Cite this article:

Catacutan, K., Domingo, N.T., Ojerio, C., Ubias, N. & Bartolome, M. (2023). Entrepreneurial Competencies of University Graduates and Their Usefulness to Business Management. The Research Probe, Volume 3 (1), 52-62.


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