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Training Needs Assessment of Teachers: Basis for Information and Communication Technology Literacy Program

Cherie Vic J. Bujayo & Mary Cherry Lynn M. Tabernilla
Volume 4 July 2023
Presented in 4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR), July 7 - 8, 2023


The study determined the training needs in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of elementary teachers in the District of Tangalan, Aklan. It employed a descriptive research design utilizing seventy (70) regular teachers from nine (9) elementary schools in the District of Tangalan, Aklan. The study used a researcher-modified questionnaire that covers the demographic profile of respondents, ICT teachers’ abilities, and the extent of ICT training needs. Several competencies were used in the questionnaire guided by the National ICT Competency Standard (NICS) for teachers developed by the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT). It was found that the ICT abilities of the teachers declined with age or pedagogical experience; however, gender and teaching position did not affect the teachers’ technical ability. Both male and female teachers are ICT-savvy. Age and teaching experience reduce ICT abilities and influence classroom integration training and ICT training needs. The study further revealed that teachers’ age, gender, teaching position, and years in teaching do not have a significant impact on their ICT abilities or training needs. The two categories of ICT, including use in the classroom and use of ICT software and programs, fall under the level of enhancement. Indeed, training is needed to upgrade the prior knowledge of the teachers; thus, designing and implementing courses and programs that meet those requirements is essential to further honing their ICT knowledge.

Keywords: Assessment, ICT Literacy, Information Communication and Technology (ICT), National ICT Competency Standard (NICS)

*This paper is presented at the 4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR) 2023


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Cite this article:

Bujayo, C.J. & Tabernilla, M.M. (2023). Training Needs Assessment of Teachers: Basis for Information and Communication Technology Literacy Program. Industry and Academic Research Review, 4 (1), 85-94.


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