Phenomenological Case Study of Project-Based Learning on Graduand STEM Students’ Performance

Alfonze Viktor B. Pinawin
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


Project-based learning has been widely embraced as a pedagogical strategy in nations recognized for their excellent educational systems, such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and France. Educational establishments in the Philippines are already starting to include PBL into their curricula in response to this global trend. The goal of this study is to better understand how STEM students in grade 12 at Gumaca National High School are using project-based learning. The study used phenomenology and case study as the methods to know the important insights into the students’ experiences with project-based learning, its success, and the key elements influencing it. Individual interviews and focus groups were the main study methodologies used by the researchers. Convincing findings are supported by these exacting methodologies: PBL’s efficacy is compromised by improper execution and the lack of adaptation. The hands-on experiences, positive engagement, career exploration and realization helped certain students in academics by enhancing and preparing them for their future careers. The results strongly imply that project-based learning must receive attention and support from the government as well as from educational institutions. Also, support from parents regarding the mental health of every student. Hence, the study categorically shows the urgent necessity for extensive improvements in designs of the curriculum, knowledgeable teachers, mentorship and counselling, research possibilities, college readiness, academic support services, ongoing evaluation and feedback, personal environment, and multidisciplinary approach are in need to attain a high educational level that will generate a profound impact and offer priceless support to every student.

Keywords: project-based learning, experiences, adaptability, and implementation



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Cite this article:

Pinawin, A.V.B. (2023). Phenomenological case study of project-based learning on graduand STEM students’ performance. The Research Probe, 3(2), 140-148.


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