Political Colors: Representation of the Political Situation on Selected Editorial Cartoons

Mary Shemaine R. Padillo & Cristy Allen L. Serote
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


The editorial cartoon is a visual commentary that expresses a satirical or critical message about current events, politics, or social issues in a concise and often humorous manner. This research analyzed the selected editorial cartoons based on their political colors regarding the representation of the political situation in the most recent election. Using the Semiology of Roland Barthes, the data gathered in The Manila Times, Philippine Star, and Sunstar. Furthermore, by utilizing visual analysis, the findings of this study showed that the analyzed editorial cartoons utilize a diverse array of signs to skilfully communicate their messages, all of which contribute to the cartoons’ impactful visual style and satirical essence. Also, the data revealed that by employing diverse signs such as icons, indexes, and symbols, the examined editorial cartoons effectively criticize social and political matters. Through the strategic use of these signs, the cartoons deliver thought-provoking commentary on the complex nature of politics. Furthermore, the findings also showed that the cartoons provide astute observations on the complex dynamics of politics, skilfully critiquing both societal and political issues and shedding light on the less favorable aspects of the political landscape. A “guidebook” entitled “Decoding the Editorial Cartoons: A Semiological Analysis using Roland Barthes’ Theory” was crafted by the researchers. By incorporating the booklet as recommended learning material for a Contemporary Issues subject. Several conclusions are drawn from the study’s findings, as well as recommendations for use by citizens, teachers, students, and future researchers.

Keywords: political colors, political situation, editorial cartoons, semiology, Roland Barthes



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Cite this article:

Padillo, M.S.R. & Serote, C.A.L. (2023). Political colors: Representation of the political situation on selected editorial cartoons. The Research Probe, 3(2), 158-168. https://doi.org/10.53378/trp.12232


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