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CJ Villanueva
Chapter 1


I was put into place I am not used to be

Seeing unfamiliar faces that are new to me.

I heard the loud laughter of those buddies.

While observing who’s finding the same room intently.

I walked towards the hallway uncomfortably.

I climbed the stairs to find my way.

And finally found the room I wanted to see.

But the room wasn’t yet open as I arrived early.

I pondered for a while to make my mind busy.

I reminisced my time as an examinee.

I cherished those moments as an interviewee.

While telling myself good luck on my next journey.

Then I entered the room where our class would be.

I distinguished people who were very friendly.

Honestly, I was shy, silent but an approachable personality.

Thanks God, I still made friends to be with me.

A course in education, in English we are

Unique students who chose this one with certainty.

We may come from different societies.

But we’re moving forward towards camaraderie.

Cite this chapter:

Villanueva, C. (2024). Camaraderie. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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