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The Quiet Goodbye That No One Heard

Ma. Adelfa Tamayo
Chapter 2


Adelaide Zyann Estrada is an 18-year-old girl living a simple life. She is the youngest of nine siblings. She loves to skateboard and, at the same time, listen to music. She wanted to be a policewoman, but her parents didn’t like it for her, so she took the education course that her parents wanted for her instead of her dream course. Even if she doesn’t want it, she pursued it because she doesn’t want to disappoint her parents by disobeying their wants.

One day, while Adelaide was walking down the street, she saw an old man passing by on the highway. She helped him, and the old man talked to her until they came to a distant place. The old man thanked her, and Adelaide smiled at him. She loves helping people, especially those who are old or have disabilities. Before she left, the old man praised her that this remained in her thoughts, “You’re a good girl with a big heart. I hope that soon you’ll become successful.” After that, she headed home after a tiring day in school. She was excited to tell her parents of the good news that she’s a dean’s lister. After dinner, she told it to her family, but again, it made her sad because she felt her family doesn’t care and is still not proud of her. She’s tired of showing her family that she’s doing her best, yet still, they don’t appreciate everything about her small successes.

Also, she felt that all her siblings hated her because when she is sad, they always say that Adelaide is overacting, and sometimes they made fun of her for being soft-hearted. She did know where she would places herself because when she does good things, they still see Adelaide making mistakes and being lazy. She never felt like being asked if she is okay the whole day in school or how her day in school was, yet they throw bad words at Adelaide every time she comes home late because sometimes she indeed comes home late, but every time she defends herself that their class was overtime, her family would not believe in her and continues throwing bad words at her.

They say that Adelaide is avoiding her work in the house, which is why she is going home late. She just always keeps her mouth shut because when she defends herself, it is disrespectful for them because, in their family, it is very wrong to answer someone older than you. She thinks that everyone in her house hated her. She doesn’t know what kind of treatment she receives because everything she does is limited and wrong. Her life is like a roller coaster ride, always doing the same stuff and doing what her family wants for her. Sometimes she feels that she has no rights for herself because she is like a puppet controlling everything inside her, and whatever she does, she doesn’t feel that her parents are proud of her.

A day has passed, and while Adelaide was working on her homework at school, she didn’t notice that it was already late to go home. While on her way, she was afraid that she’d be punished again by her family. She opened the door of her home, and she wasn’t surprised. She was confronted by her sister “Adelaide, you’re late again! How brave are you to go home late? Probably you’re just hanging out with your worthless friends, or you already have a boyfriend! ”

Adelaide was so furious to hear such unjust accusations that she burst into tears. “You don’t understand me at all! All of you don’t understand me at all! I’ve always tried my best to be a good daughter, and you all have wanted to be me. I sacrificed my whole life and happiness just to please you all and make you all proud of me, but you didn’t even notice or pay attention to my efforts at all. Why are all of you doing this to me? Huh! Such a drama queen! Look, mom and dad, she is just making excuses to escape her faults! Look! I caught her while she was dating her boyfriend at the school library! ” Her mom got furious while looking at the fabricated picture of Adelaide while she was reading at the library with her classmate. “Adelaide, what’s the meaning of these? You’re too young to have a relationship; haven’t we already told you? You’re disappointing us! Her Dad was also looking at Adelaide with disappointment.

This time, Adelaide burst into tears, and her whole body seemed to be submerged in the cold water of cruel reality. Her heart seemed to stop beating, and her mind was blank at that time. Her whole world crumbled just like that. She couldn’t endure those looks of despair from her parents. All she wanted at that time was to keep silent and slowly close her eyes so she would not hear or see those cruel, judgmental eyes. “Oh my! Adelaide, what is happening to you? Wake up! “Her mom realized that this is not an act of drama as Adelaide seems like she has totally passed out and unconscious; they noticed some bruises on her arms and body like she was tortured and punched by numerous people. They rushed her to the hospital, and there she was diagnosed as a late-stage cancer patient. Leukemia! Of all the cancers, that was the worst choice, as there was no cure for late-stage cancer patients like her.

The whole family seemed to be drowned in despair and guilt, but it was already too late, as Adelaide was in critical condition and in a coma. It was highly likely a miracle that she was still alive until now. We have done our best to keep her life, only a miracle could wake her up.” Those words pierced their hearts and souls. They couldn’t believe what the doctor said, so they rushed in to the room where Adelaide was admitted. They saw her sleeping peacefully, but there was a tinge of sadness and sorrow in her face that they could vividly see and remember as her last expression before she passed out. “Adelaide! My sweet heart, I’m so sorry! This is your mom; please wake up! I promise, we will make up for you. Forgive us if we didn’t appreciate your efforts. I know we are wrong, so please wake up. Do you hear me, Adelaide? “Her mom and dad, as well as her sister, are full of regrets and sorrow. They want her to forgive them and wake up so as to become a family again.

But it seemed like Heaven has decided that it is time for her to rest. Adelaide looked like she heard her parents as tears flowed in her eyes, yet her heart is slowly stopping to beat. It was already late!” Call the doctor, Adelaide, don’t give up, please! Doc, please save my daughter! “As the operating room was filled with the noise of a flat line signifying that someone will pass away, her family was filled with Grief and sorrow as the Doctor declared her final fate.

A month after Adelaide passed away, the Estrada residence was feeling empty and darkly cold. As we witnessed the story of Adelaide, we realized that we shouldn’t judge or neglect someone that is dearest to us as there will be a time where they will somehow leave in a painful way we don’t expect. So cherish your time accompanying them and never stop loving them.

Cite this chapter:

Tamayo, M. (2024). The quiet goodbye that no one heard. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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