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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

Knowledge on livestock farming of agribusiness students: Basis for instructional materials innovation

Vincent P. Curran
Volume 4 Issue 1 June 2024
Presented in 1st International Conference on Management, Education & Innovation, January 20, 2024


This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge of agribusiness students on animal farming as basis for developing instructional materials. The study used a quantitative descriptive research method using test questionnaires to gather data from the respondents. A total of 92 students participated in the study using a purposive sampling design. The results showed that the socio-demographic profiles of the students are not factors for their learning. Furthermore, the students had poor to fair knowledge of livestock farming as only a few hit the passing rate of 75% and many scored less than the passing mark. The study recommends developing new instructional materials, enhancing the course content, providing actual and hands-on training, encouraging students to participate in livestock farming activities, and conducting another comprehensive study to determine students’ adaptability and capability, recognize individual strengths, and pinpoint weaknesses in learning animal agriculture. These can help improve the knowledge level of undergraduate agribusiness students about livestock farming and prepare them for careers in the industry.

Keywords: knowledge, innovation, livestock farming, students, instructional materials



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Cite this article:

Curran, V.P. (2024). Knowledge on livestock farming of agribusiness students: Basis for instructional materials innovation. The Research Probe, 4(1), 1-6.


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