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Quasi-Experimental Study of the Predictive Value and Association of Blended Learning to Test Performance Ratings

Richard Ryan C. Villegas & Jemma M. Gonzales
Volume 1 Issue 1, June 2021


Using pretest and posttest experimental research design involving 62 participants, this study determined whether the blended learning mode of instructional delivery was more effective than face-to-face learning in improving the academic performance of the students. The study found out at that blended learning is effective in improving the test scores of the treatment group (t-Stat=-6.529), (t-Critical= 1.697), and (p=0.00)). 19.70% of the observed variance on the test scores of participants exposed to blended learning can be ascribed to blended learning with the other 80.30% possibly caused by other factors. Analyses of associations using Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient revealed that there is a substantial positive association (Rpb =0.5610429) between exposure to blended learning and changes in the test scores of the students exposed to it. The study could be utilized as basis for HEIs on making necessary adjustments or improvements for better implementation of the program. The over- all result of the study can also be used as reference in using the BLP in other general education subjects.

Keywords: blended learning, online learning, performance rating, instructional delivery, learning management system

Collaborative Peer Reviewer

This article is collaboratively reviewed by Dr. Riogel L. Santiago, Prof. Lenis Separa and Dr. Ruel F. Ancheta


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