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International Review of Social Sciences Research

ISSN 2782-9227 (Print) 2782-9235 (Online)

Parental Involvement, Essential Life Skills, Struggles and Coping Strategies in Assisting Primary Pupils

Ma. Katrina S. Esplana
Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2022


This study determined parental involvement, life skills, struggles and their coping strategies in assisting primary pupils on their homeschooling during the pandemic. Descriptive-correlation research design was utilized in this study using mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation to determine the relationship between parents’ involvement, life skills, struggles, and coping strategies. There were 150 parents comprising half of the entire population of a public elementary school in the province. The results showed strong parental involvement in the homeschooling of the pupils with decision-making as the essential life skill necessary to assist their children. Moreover, learning outcomes came out to be the most struggled factor. To address the issues, parent’s coping strategies include maintaining good communication with society, family and self. The findings also revealed positive significant relationship between parental involvement, life skills, and struggles of remote learning with their coping strategies. This study suggests that building a positive atmosphere in education requires uniting the work at home and school. Listening and showing care about their point of view, involving them in decision making, and alternative solutions to problems can help assess parents that concern children. With these results, it was highly recommended for the school administrators to provide a support system between the school community and parents. Parents should be informed about the progress of their children through one-to-one, conferences, online or face-to-face meetings and instill in them how they address family issues that affect children’s behavior in school.

Keywords: Coping Strategies, Essential Life Skills, Parental Involvement, Remote Learning


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Esplan, M.S. (2022). Parental Involvement, Essential Life Skills, Struggles and Coping Strategies in Assisting Primary Pupils. International Review of Social Sciences Research, Volume 2 Issue 3, pp. 37 - 54. DOI:


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