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International Review of Social Sciences Research

ISSN 2782-9227 (Print) 2782-9235 (Online)

Parents’ Competencies and Involvement in Facilitating Modular Instructions: Its Relation to Students’ Personality Development

Gennie A. Carabot
Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2022


This study assessed the parents’ competency, involvement in modular instructions, the implementation of distance learning modality, and its relationship to the healthy development of the students. The study utilized a descriptive- correlation design with 280 grade six students from a public elementary school in the Schools Division of Quezon for the School Year 2021-2022. The samples were mostly children of married, high school graduate parents and majority were twelve-year old female students. The results showed that the parents are ‘much competent’ in facilitating modular instructions in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Meanwhile, the parents are ‘very often’ involved in facilitating modular instructions in terms of school work support, financial support, and moral support. On the other hand, the intermediate students agree on the level of personality development in terms of motivation, self-esteem, and self-reliance, signifying positive effects of parental involvement on students’ personality development. Furthermore, there is a very strong significant positive relationship between the parental competencies and involvement and the personality development interpreted of the students. The results imply on the importance of parental involvement in the personality development of the children specially during the absence of face to face classes.

Keywords: Parents Competencies, Parents Involvement, Modular Instructions


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Cite this article:

Carabot, G.A. (2022). Parents’ Competencies and Involvement in Facilitating Modular Instructions: Its Relation to Students’ Personality Development. International Review of Social Sciences Research, Volume 2 Issue 3, pp. 55 - 75. DOI:


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