Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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We support knowledge society through open access books.

General Guidelines

The Institute publishes books written in English and Filipino in any fields or focus. The main thrusts of the institute include education, business and management, accounting and finance,  humanities and social sciences, science and technology, engineering and mathematics and information technology. Inter-disciplinary topics are also encouraged. The Institute accepts textbooks, electronic books, monographs, edited collection and children’s books. There is no required book template. The authors are highly encouraged to be innovative, creative and bold in writing and formatting their book. Think outside the box and be non-conventional.   

The Institute accepts manuscripts within the standard 80,000 words. Depending on the nature of the book and the topic, shorter or longer than the required number of words can still be accepted. For instance, printed textbooks can require longer than the standard number of words than the literary book.

It is the prime responsibility of the author to ensure that the quality is highly acceptable as to content, use of language, grammar and punctuations. The institute has the right to reject any book proposal or book chapter not within the required standards for publication. The book can be rejected even at the first stage of the submission.

The authors can submit either already completed manuscript or book proposal. Completed manuscript goes to the normal publication process. Meanwhile, book proposal (book draft or incomplete manuscript) is also encouraged. The author receives comments and suggestions at the internal review process. The complete manuscript must be submitted and accepted before the external review. 

The manuscript must include pertinent information of the author/s including name/s, affiliation/s, address and email address. The corresponding author, in case of multiple authors, must be properly indicated.

Manuscript Submission

a. Completed Manuscript

Completed book manuscript in any field can be sole or multiple authors. The online submission requires only MS Word file. The author needs to register to the OMP PKP online portal to submit the manuscript. Before submission, the author ensures that the proper templates are used. As the institute adheres to double-blind evaluation and review, the author uploads two files: manuscript title page and anonymous manuscript file

All submissions are through the online portal. No submissions are accepted through email. 

b. Book Proposal

The Institute also accepts book proposals in different fields. The proposal can be sole or multiple authors. The online submission requires only MS Word file. There are two stages of submission.

First stage. The author submits the proposal through the online submission. The proposal must contain the general information about the book, book outline and any completed chapter. The author uploads two files: manuscript title page and anonymous manuscript file. The submission goes to internal review process, which results to either acceptance or rejection of the book. If the proposal is rejected, the author receives detailed feedback through email.

Second stage. If the proposal is accepted, the author receives detailed feedback and suggestions from the reviewers. The author is given ample time to complete the manuscript for resubmission.

Last stage. The author submits the completed manuscript for external review. If the manuscript is accepted, the author pays book processing charge (if applicable) and signs the book publishing agreement. However, if the manuscript requires further revision after the resubmission, the editorial board provides further revisions request through email or through discussion forum in the portal.

c. Book Chapter

There are calls for submission to an edited collection. The edited collection focuses on research papers on different areas, business plans, literary pieces and short notes. Authors need to submit the MS Word manuscript through the online submission. The author uploads two files: manuscript title page and anonymous manuscript file. The format of the manuscript depends on the need and requirement of the book. The author ensures to read and follow the prescribed structure for the chapter. The submission is an original article, not have been nor considered for publishing elsewhere. If it is a republication, the author must obtain permission to republish the same. The author must obtain permission for any used copyrighted materials within the article.

d. Theses & Dissertation

The institute accepts publication of theses and dissertation in various specializations. The manuscript is converted into a publishable academic electronic book. As such, the Book Publishing Charge falls under open access book. The manuscript can be submitted either as a completed manuscript or book proposal

Evaluation and Review

The institute adheres to rigid evaluation and review process. As the institute is dedicated to the publication of quality educational materials worldwide, all submissions are subjected to evaluation and review.

Preliminary evaluation by the director and editors (internal review). The manuscript is sent directly to the publication director for preliminary evaluation. The director evaluates the proposal based on its fitness to the thrust of the institute. If the paper is accepted, it is sent to two (2) editors for review. The decision is any of the following: acceptrevision or reject. If the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to the external reviewers for detailed evaluation. If the manuscript requires revision, the comments and suggestions are communicated to the author. The author revises the manuscript and submits the revised version before sending to the external reviewers. If the manuscript is rejected, the author receives the detailed reason/s for rejection. The decision to accept or reject the book is communicated to the author through email. The internal review takes two to six weeks.

External review. The institute adheres to double-blind external review. The anonymous manuscript file is sent to external reviewers composed of university professors and industry practitioners for their comments and feedback on the book. The institute ensures that external reviewers strictly comply with the ethical policy and standards. The result is sent to the author as soon as two reviews are done. The decision of the external reviewers may be any of the following:

  • Accept. The manuscript is accepted without revisions. The author is advised to pay the fees prior and sign the book publishing agreement.
  • Revision. The manuscript is accepted either with minor or major revision. The paper is sent back to the author for the corrections. The author is given ample time to comply depending on the severity of the corrections. If the time given is insufficient, the author is advised to formally request extension through email. The author then submits the corrected manuscript for final evaluation by the editors. If the manuscript is accepted, the author is advised to pay the fees and sign the book publishing agreement.

The external review takes one month to maximum three months.

Fees and Charges

The Book Publishing Charge (BPC) depends on the nature of the publication. The institute has the following BPC scheme:



Author’s Royalty

Open access books 



Open access book chapter



Printed books (with pdf copy)


50% of net revenue**

**including 10 printed copies for author upon publication. Books are available on Print-on-Demand scheme. 

Once accepted for publication, the author is advised to pay the fees and sign the book publishing agreement. Upon payment, the book is scheduled for publication.

In case of publication sponsorship, the author only receives 20% of net revenue as royalty.

No cancellation allowed for printed textbooks. For open access books and book chapters, 50% refund is allowed after payment in case of cancellation of the publication. The author can pay thru online via Paypal or bank deposit. For payment details, click here.

The institute grants maximum 20% discount on the publication fees of its recognized members, editorial board and reviewers. For further details, email

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