Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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International Student Research Congress

Conference Policies

Publication of research works

a. Statement of Open Access

The IIARI upholds and supports open access research publication that allows global sharing of scholarly information without restrictions. Through this platform, free access to shared information promotes knowledge and education. As such, the book of abstract and conference proceedings journal are open-access that anyone can reproduce, redistribute and transform, commercial or non-commercially, with proper attribution. The name of the publication should always be acknowledged.  

b. Copyright

The open access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which grants anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform, commercially or non-commercially, with proper attribution. Authors retain the copyright but grant the journal the right to the first publication. Authors can use any contents of the article provided there is proper acknowledgement. Reprint and reproduction of the article does not require prior permission. Read full license details here:

c. Authors' Warranties

Authors ensure that:

  • The article is an author’s original work.
  • It is not considered for publication nor any part previously published elsewhere.
  • The author confirms, to the best of his knowledge, the authenticity and integrity of the data gathered.
  • There are no fabrication, plagiarism, material misrepresentation, academic dishonesty, discriminatory and bigoted language contained in the article.
  • The author obtains prior permission for the use of any previously published text or material owned by another person.
Research integrity

a. Authorship

The Institute recognizes the definition given by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which states that "authorship can refer to individuals or groups that create an idea or develop the publication that disseminates that intellectual or creative work." For group research, authors are expected to have contributed to the content of the work, which may include, but not limited to, acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data, drafting or revising the work, and evaluating and approving the content before publication. Anyone who has no direct or indirect contribution to the content of the research work must not be included as author.

The first author is considered the presenting and corresponding author, unless agreed upon by the group. The presenting author must have a thorough knowledge of the work. On the other hand, the corresponding author submits the paper on behalf of the co-authors. The corresponding author is responsible to provide correct details of the co-authors. All communications are addressed to the corresponding author.

Change in authorship is allowed only before the official registration to the conference, which should be communicated through email to or update the names of the authors in the submission portal and conference registration form. After the submission of the conference registration form, change in authorship (removal and addition) is not allowed.    

b. Conflict of interest

The presenter must formally declare in writing to the conference committee or during the live presentation any conflict of interest that has potential impact on the results of the study. The presenter must acknowledge the various limitations of the study and the circumstances, either financial, social or environmental, that might have adversely impacted the results of the study. 

c. Plagiarism, falsification and manipulation of data

The author ensures that the paper is free of plagiarism, fabrication, manipulation and material misrepresentation. The author needs to attribute any copied contents of the paper. The author confirms, to the best of his knowledge, the authenticity and integrity of the data gathered, that they were not fabricated nor manipulated.

d. Ethical misconduct

Any form of academic misconduct shall be dealt with accordingly by the publisher and conference committee. Any proven misconduct of authors involving falsification and plagiarism shall be equivalent to rejection or removal of the article from the conference. 

Evaluation & review of research works

a. Type of review

The review of papers submitted to the conference follows the double-blind editorial review process. There are assigned group of five editors headed by the Director of Conferences and Events to evaluate and review all submissions to the conference. The Institute reserves the right to select the members of the editorial team based on their qualification and specialization.

b. Review process

All submitted papers duly accepted for suitability to scope or structural requirements are sent to the reviewers. The conference team reserves the right to choose the appropriate reviewer based on their knowledge of the topic. The journal adheres to the double blind peer-review process. Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other’s identity. Invitations are sent to the reviewers.  

Any submission goes for two evaluation and review process: a) preliminary evaluation by the conference chair and b) editorial review. The conference chair evaluates the paper based on its fitness to conference scope or structural requirements while the reviewers give detailed ratings and comments on the paper based on the evaluation criteria. The result of the review may be any of the following: accept, resubmit for review or decline. The decision is made after the receipt of two reviews. The decision is communicated to the corresponding author through email.

c. Review results

Each reviewer rates the paper according to: relevance to the conference track; originality of the research; empirical evidence; appropriate methodology; and appropriate structure. Each criterion can be rated with 4 (Excellent) as the highest and 1 (Needs Improvement) as the lowest. The paper needs at least 2.6 average score in the five key areas without a rating of 1 in any area to be accepted in the conference.

Average Score of 2.6 and above. The decision is "Accept Submission" and the author will receive "Notice of Conference Acceptance."

Average Score between 2.0 to 2.6. The decision is "Resubmit for Review." The author needs to address the critical comments given by the reviewers and eligible for resubmission for second review round.

Average Score below 2.0. The decision is "Decline Submission."

Rating of 1 in any criterion. The decision is automatic "Resubmit for Review." The author needs to address the critical comments given by the reviewers and eligible for resubmission for second review round.

The conference uses the OJS-PKP platform and workflow for the submission and review of articles. For guidance and assistance on the use of the portal, download the workflow guidelines here.

Conference Payment, Registration & Withdrawal

a. Conference Payment

Only paid authors are eligible to present in the conference. Upon acceptance of the paper to the conference, at least one author must pay the conference registration fee to be eligible to present and receive the certificates. Only the paid author is eligible for the CPD certificate. For hybrid conferences, authors can choose between onsite or online participation and pay the corresponding fees.

If other authors want to attend the conference, they need to pay the corresponding fees as "listener." Non-presenting authors who wish to attend the conference also need to pay the corresponding fees as "listener." Non-authors and companions who wish to attend the conference also need to pay the corresponding fees as "listener."

Discounts are available for early payments, which may change without prior notice. In addition, duly recognized fellows are given 20% discount. 

b. Conference Registration

After payment of conference fee, the author needs to complete the conference registration form. The form contains the profile of the author, paper abstract, and conference consent form. The author must ensure that all details contained in the form are true and accurate as it will be the basis of all required documentations and certificates.

Only paid authors who completed the conference registration are the official conference participants. Unpaid authors who completed the registration form will not be honored. Paid authors who failed to complete the registration form on time will be contacted by the conference secretariat.

c. Withdrawal from the Conference

Author can withdraw the paper from the conference at any time through formal email to conference secretariat at If the paper is withdrawn at least one month before the conference date, the author is entitled to full refund. However, it the paper is withdrawn less than 30 days before the conference date, the author is NOT eligible for any refund. 

Conference Decorum

Presenters are expected to follow the conference presentation guidelines. They are also expected to follow proper etiquette/ network etiquette. Unacceptable behavior includes, but not limited to:

  • Discrimnation, harassment, intimidation, or demeaning words during the conference. 
  • Hateful verbal or written comments related to gender, race, religion, or disability.
  • Verbal or physical personal attacks.
  • Inappropriate use of pornographic materials.
  • Use of photos or videos in the presentation without prior permission.
  • Taking photos or videos without approval or permission. 

The conference organizers have all the rights to drop any participants from the conference in case of any misbehavior.

Complaints & Corrections
Complaints. Any complaints against the conference should be filed directly to the publisher in the first instance. Anyone has the right to lodge a formal complaint through email to The publisher forms an ethics ad hoc committee to hear the case. 

Corrections. The author receives a draft copy of the manuscript or any publication material prior to the final publishing for final checking and verification. If errors are found after the publication, the same are corrected through an erratum, retraction of the article or in-line correction. Any errors found should be communicated to the conference committee through email. 

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