Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
Register in

International Student Research Congress

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much is the registration fee for non-presenting author?

A: Since it is virtual congress, registration fee of $40 (P2000) covers all the authors.


Q: Is there any discount available?

A: No discounts available. However, students from recognized partner institutions of IIARI can register for FREE.


Q: Can I withdraw my paper from the conference and refund the fee after payment?

A: Author can withdraw the paper from the conference at any time but NO refund is allowed after the payment.


Q: If I registered/paid but will not attend/present, will I still get the certificate?

A: You will get Certificate of Participation. However, it is encouraged to pre-record the presentation.


Q: Only one author is registered for the conference, will the remaining authors receive the certificate?

A: For the virtual conference, the registration is per paper. Everyone gets 'Certificate of Participation.'


Q: Can I submit the abstract only?

A: You can submit the EXTENDED ABSTRACT for conference acceptance consideration. The full paper will be invited for FREE publication in the next available issue of the journal after the double-blind peer review process.


Q: Is the full paper published in the conference proceedings?

A: No. Only the extended abstracts are included in the conference proceedings. The full paper will be published in the next available issue of the journal after the double-blind peer review process.


Q: Can I submit research articles not within the conference tracks?

A: No. Selection of the paper is based on the journal/conference scope and coverage.


Q: Can I just send pre-recorded video?

A: Yes, pre-recorded videos are encouraged especially from participants with some technical and internet difficulties.


Q: Will I receive certificate of publication after the conference?

A: Yes. Since the extended abstract is published individually, all authors receive certificate of publication.

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