Balik-Serbisyo: A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Lived Experiences of DOST-SEI JLSS Scholars Working as Public-School Teachers to Fulfill the Return of Service Agreement

John Bennidick M. Condino, Michael Angelo H. Ayap, Jean Claire B. Bondad, Marjian Godwill M. Macandile & Luis Joseph M. Maulion
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


Some existing scholarships require a mandatory Return of Service Agreement (RSA) for their scholars, which include DOST-SEI JLSS Scholarship Program where the scholar-graduates work as teachers as part of the RSA. This phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of five (5) DOST-SEI JLSS scholar-graduates working as public-school teachers within the Division of San Pablo City through actual interviews. The data were analyzed through thematic analysis, where the responses of the participants were coded to generate categories and themes. The findings revealed that the scholar-graduates were experiencing difficulties in teaching due to inadequate preparation to teach, interpersonal stressors, and personality differences. It was also found out that they utilize internal and external assistance towards development and personal and social support with work regulation. The DOST-SEI should be able to provide assistance to their scholar-graduates by giving them proper training and holding teaching seminars and meetings that can help them with their work in the future.

Keywords: challenges, DOST-SEI JLSS, return of service, scholar-graduates, teaching



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Cite this article:

Condino, J.M., Ayap, M.H., Bondad, J.B., Macandile, M.M. & Maulion, L.M. (2023). Balik-serbisyo: A phenomenological study exploring the lived experiences of DOST-SEI JLSS scholars working as public-school teachers to fulfill the return of service agreement. The Research Probe, 3(2), 53-61.


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