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ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

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Community of Practice and Themes of School Learning Action Cell Towards Better Teachers’ Performances

Mary Grace P. Aclan & Delon A. Ching
Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022
Presented in 2nd International Research Competition 2022, November 15, 2022


School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) must be planned and implemented in accordance with the Department of Education’s call for schools to continuously provide professional community of practice that would empower teachers and make them more productive teachers in front of their students. The study sought to determine the perceived observance of the SLAC Community of Practice and the usefulness of SLAC Themes. A descriptive correlational strategy was used in this investigation. The data was gathered using an online survey questionnaire created by the researcher. According to the findings, the SLAC community of practice was highly observed in terms of collaborative planning, problem-solving, and action implementation by the majority of respondents. Similarly, respondents’ average perceptions of SLAC themes’ usefulness in terms of learner inclusivity, subject components and competencies, curriculum assessment, 21st-century skills and ICT integration, and curriculum contextualization, localization, and indigenization revealed that SLAC is very useful. After attending SLAC for several sessions, the teacher’s performance was deemed outstanding in the areas of content knowledge and pedagogy, learning environment, diversity of learners, curriculum and planning, assessment and reporting, community linkages, and professional growth and professional development. A significant association was found between the SLAC community of practice and teacher performance. The association of SLAC themes to the teacher’s performance yielded the same result.

Keywords: School Learning Action Cell, Community of Practice, SLAC Themes, Teachers Performance

*This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022, Category 3 Graduate


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Cite this article:

Aclan, M.P. & Ching, D.A. (2022). Community of Practice and Themes of School Learning Action Cell Towards Better Teachers’ Performances. The Research Probe, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 138 - 145.


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