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ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

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Digital Learning Principles and Capabilities: Its Impact to the Learning Outcomes of Grade 9 Students

Alyssa Marie L. Celecious & Delon A. Ching
Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022
Presented in 2nd International Research Competition 2022, November 15, 2022


The study aims to describe and analyze the correlation between digital learning principles and the students’ capabilities concerning their learning outcomes in Mathematics. The research design employed by the researcher is a descriptive approach for this study, specifically, a correlational research design. The study’s respondents were 150 Grade 9 students selected using the purposive sampling technique. The findings indicated below are based on the data gathered by the researcher: The level of digital learning principles of the respondents in terms of quality and standards, tools and equipment, building digital learning capabilities, and evaluation strategy is observed. The level of digital learning capabilities of the respondents in terms of ICT proficiency and productivity, digital learning and development, digital creation, problem-solving and innovation, collaboration, communication, and participation, digital identity and well-being, and information, media, and data literacy is perceived to be much capable. The respondents’ level of learning outcomes in Mathematics regarding collaborative learning, interactive behavior; motivation; self-esteem; cognitive development; and mathematical skills are perceived to be high. There is no significant relationship between digital learning principles and learning outcomes in Mathematics. There is no significant relationship between digital learning capabilities and learning outcomes in Mathematics.

Keywords: Digital Learning Principles, Digital Learning Capabilities, Learning Outcomes

*This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022, Category 3 Graduate


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Cite this article:

Celecious, A.L. & Ching, D.A. (2022). Digital Learning Principles and Capabilities: Its Impact to the Learning Outcomes of Grade 9 Students. The Research Probe, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 146 - 153.


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