Digital Marketing Strategies Used by Competing Coffee Shops in Candelaria, Quezon: Perspective of Employees

Josh Edric G. Sobrepeña, Reymond D. Ragas & Chrizza Kaye R. Sotomayor
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


The study aimed to identify the digital marketing strategies utilized by coffee shops in Candelaria, Quezon, the digital platforms used by coffee shops in digital marketing, and the challenges and benefits of digital marketing strategy and its impact on sales and profitability of coffee shops. The study utilized a qualitative research method and used structured interviews to collect the data from 10 respondents. The study used content analysis and descriptive coding in analyzing the data from the interview. The results revealed that coffee shops in the area use a variety of digital marketing strategies, with social media marketing being the most used, and the identified online platforms that are being used by coffee shops are Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Messenger, Websites, and Email with Facebook being the most used platform. Likewise, the result also shows that digital marketing can influence customer decision-making and purchase behavior, which helps coffee shops gain more sales and profits. The identified challenges and benefits of digital marketing are competition and striving to improve their marketing strategies to attract customers; the challenges and the benefits, such as convenience in endorsing their coffee shops and the potential for increased profits and brand recognition. This study implies that digital marketing has many benefits and positive impact on coffee shops. Digital marketing strategy is effective to gain more customers online and increase their sales.

Keywords: digital marketing, business strategies, coffee shops, perspective



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Cite this article:

Sobrepeña, J.G., Ragas, R.D. & Sotomayor, C.R. (2023). Digital marketing strategies used by competing coffee shops in Candelaria, Quezon: Perspective of employees. The Research Probe, 3(2), 62-73.


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