Impact of Guided Oral Reading Approach to Students’ Reading Comprehension

Junalyn P. Sacares, Ma. Kye T. Apiado, Lovely Mae T. Lucernas, Niña Marie A. Mercado & Jennilyn D. Geagonia
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


This study aims to determine the impact of guided oral reading approach to students’ reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental design was used to track the difference between two groups of students at an elementary school in the Philippines, specifically the control group and the treatment group. This research is limited to one section of fourth-grade students. Based on the findings, most of the respondents in the treatment group got very high scores, while the majority of the control group got low scores. A Vocabulary Enrichment Program for Better Comprehension was developed and proposed for implementation. This program introduces fresh vocabulary to the students to improve their ability to comprehend text and their capacity for independent word learning. The vocabulary of students is closely connected to academic success because students with larger vocabulary sets comprehend new ideas and concepts faster than those with limited vocabulary sets. Reading is a complex process that only gets better with repetition. It is essential to have great reading comprehension abilities. It improves reading efficacy and enjoyment and benefits students’ personal, professional, and academic lives in addition to their studies.

Keywords: reading comprehension, guided oral reading, control group, treatment group, professional development



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Cite this article:

Sacares, J.P., Apiado, M.K.T., Lucernas, L.M.T., Mercado, N.M.A. & Geagonia, J.D. (2023). Impact of guided oral reading approach to students’ reading comprehension. The Research Probe, 3(2), 28-33.


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