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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

Language acquisition: The lived experiences of students in acquiring second language

Ronnie O. Valeña & Rhett H. Motus

This phenomenological study was conducted to describe the context of acquisition of second language among the students. The seven participants were purposely selected to answer the interview questions. In terms of their lived experiences in the acquisition of second language, the majority of the participants experienced fun, tough, and challenging yet rewarding encounters. In terms of the challenges encountered; ‘English is a crazy language’ is one of the top problems shared by the participants. English learners had a tough time in identifying the rules since there are some exemptions to it. In terms of their coping mechanisms, generally, there were numerous coping mechanisms developed in order to address the challenges they encountered. This only substantiated that the participants aimed to vanquish the intimidating effects of these challenges deep into every essential aspect of their lives. This also confirmed that the participants’ perspective towards the problems which they encountered was openly noted and not afraid of addressing it with solutions they developed by themselves or with the assistance of other professionals.

phenomenology, lived experiences, challenges, coping mechanisms, second language, language acquisition

Ronnie O. Valeña. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education Major in English, Teacher I, Northwestern Visayan Colleges. Email:

Rhett H. Motus. Doctor of Education, Senior High School Master Teacher II, Kalibo Integrated Special Education Center

“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

This paper is presented at the 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR)-2024

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Cite this article:

Valeña, R.O. & Motus, R.H. (2024). Language acquisition: The lived experiences of students in acquiring second language. The Research Probe, 4(2), 97-104.


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