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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

Lived experiences of receiving teachers handling learners with special needs

Christine C. Tayco & Rhett H. Motus

This study explored the lived experiences of receiving teachers handling learners with special needs. The study uses qualitative research design, with semi-structured interviews as primary data collection method. The participants of the study were the seven (7) receiving teachers who have experience in teaching learners with special needs. The data collected from the in-depth interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis, with the aim of identifying the key themes. The study identified four themes: emotional challenges and rewards, professional support and training, advocacy and inclusion, and personal growth and fulfillment. The study identified five key challenges faced by receiving teachers, including delivery of instruction, sudden shift of pedagogy, limited resources, knowledge and time, lack of parental participation, and heavy workload. Coping mechanisms adopted by receiving teachers to address these challenges included seeking support from colleagues, time management, self-care and stress management, and professional development. The study identified a range of strategies that receiving teachers use to support the learning and development of learners with special needs. These strategies include adapting teaching methods and materials to meet the individual needs of learners, providing additional support and resources, and building positive relationships with learners and their families. The study highlighted the receiving teachers with the training, support, and resources they need to effectively teach learners with special needs. The study also emphasizes the need for schools to recognize and value the important role that receiving teachers play in supporting the learning and development of learners with special needs.

lived experiences, special needs, receiving teachers, learners with special needs

Christine C. Tayco. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Educational Major in Educational Management, Teacher III, Northwestern Visayan Colleges. Email:

Rhett H. Motus. Doctor of Education, Master Teacher II, Northwestern Visayan Colleges

“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

This paper is presented in 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR)-2024 

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Cite this article:

Tayco, C. & Motus, R. (2024). Lived experience of receiving teachers handling learners with special needs. The Research Probe, 4(2), 18-39.


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