This study delved into the lived experiences of street food vendors in Panabo City in the Philippines. It utilized a qualitative-phenomenological research design. With the help of an interview guide, the researchers gathered data from the purposively selected participants. Five in-depth interviews were done to unearth essential data. Using thematic analysis, one theme category was generated: entrepreneurial adversities characterized by experiences such as; worried due to restrictions, forced to accept reality, and striving to survive with the new normal. Participants disclosed that they used innovative strategies as coping mechanisms, such as adapting to the new normal set-up, learning to thrive amidst uncertainties, and seeking strong support. Additionally, the insights gained from the street food vendors' experiences during the pandemic recovery suggest valuing the significance of strategic planning and management, exploring innovative methods to attract customers, and appreciating the importance of savings and emergency funds. Indeed, the food industry is vulnerable to uncertainties and has the slowest to bounce back; thus, prioritizing and establishing sustainable plans and efforts benefit food business development.
street food vendors, pandemic recovery phase, hospitality industry, Region 11 Philippines
This paper is presented in 1st International Student Research Congress
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