This phenomenological study explored teachers' experiences during the full implementation of in-person classes at Ibajay Central School in the Academic Year 2022-2023. Seven teachers shared their challenges and coping strategies through face-to-face interviews. Key findings revealed that physical and psychological readiness were essential for overcoming challenges and maintaining teaching effectiveness. Teachers were eager to return but also felt anxious about the virus, highlighting the need for robust psychological support. The study emphasized the importance of infrastructural preparedness and identified strict health protocols and increased workloads as significant obstacles. To address these issues, differentiated learning and regular parent-teacher conferences were recommended to better support student progress and teacher well-being.
phenomenological study, in-person classes, teachers lived experiences, challenges and coping mechanism
Rosalie P. Baladjay. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management, Teachers III, Northwestern Visayan Colleges. Email:
Rebecca T. Barrios. Doctor of Education, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Northwestern Visayan Colleges.
“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was not supported by any funding.
This paper is presented in 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR)
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Cite this article:
Baladjay, R.P. & Barrios, R.T. (2024). Lived experiences of teachers on the full implementation of in-person classes. Industry and Academic Research Review, 5(1), 152-158.
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