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Industry & Academic Research Review

ISSN 2719-146X (Print) 2719-1478 (Online)

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Management Styles and Entrepreneurial Skills of Managers in Real Estate Development Companies in Quezon

Zarah Ydizza A. Ranuda
Volume 3 July 2022
Presented in 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR), July 29 - 30, 2022


This study analyzed the management styles and entrepreneurial skills of select managers of real estate development companies in Quezon Province through descriptive research methods. Through a survey of 120 managers and supervisors, the results showed that managers were considered autocratic in such a way that they always have an eye on timings and milestones, believe in recurring task for effective teamwork, correcting others even at the expense of the working group and get buzzed from coaching others when they faced with a new challenge. They were like democratic when analyze problems in detail, faces substantial challenges, shape and build effective team, and implement multitasking activities. On the other hand, managers became persuasive when motivating employees to overcome difficult challenges and complete task ahead of relationships with people and laizzes-faire management style was practiced when managers respect the work-life balance and listen to colleagues, instill creativity and initiatives to employees,  manages time efficiently and effectively, , learning new skills and facing new challenges, apply learning in workplace, get involved subordinates in decision-making, convey importance of details, and encourage new ways of learning. Furthermore, the aspects of entrepreneurial skills include competency, proficiency, and expertise of managers in real estate development business. There is no significant relationship between the entrepreneurial skills and management styles of managers. The management shall capacitate its employees through the conduct of seminars and trainings related to work assignments, regularly implement team building activity, and clear employees performance appraisal and reward systems in order for them to have in depth commitment and involvement in the company.

Keywords: stress, COVID-19, coping, health and fitness

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