Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement on Its Drivers and Employee Job Performance: A study of the Apparel Sector

Naduni Wickramasinghe, Anuradha Iddagoda & Hiranya Dissanayake
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


Employee participation is when a person puts his or her brain, heart, and hands into their work and organization. Employee engagement has consequently gained traction in management circles. This study aims to determine the mediating effect of employee engagement on its drivers and employee job performance. The identified research gap is the lack of empirical evidence of the mediating effect of employee engagement on the relationship between its drivers such as leadership and work life balance and the consequence on employee job performance. Using a quantitative study, this empirical research gap was bridged in the apparel sector in Sri Lanka. The unit of analysis is individual and the sample size is 100. This cross-sectional study was done in a non-contrived setting with the minimal researcher interference. The structural model highlighted the work-life balance’s significant impact on employee engagement and employee job performance, with employee engagement positively affecting employee job performance. While leadership had no clear relationship; further exploration is needed. The mediation analysis confirmed employee engagement’s mediating role between work-life balance and employee job performance, offering actionable insights for enhancing employee job performance. The study was limited to the apparel sector in Sri Lanka. Due to the time constraint this study was also limited to a cross-sectional study.

Keywords: employee engagement, leadership, work life balance, employee job performance



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Wickramasinghe, N., Iddagoda, A. & Dissanayake, H. (2023). Mediating effect of employee engagement on its drivers and employee job performance: A study of the apparel sector. The Research Probe, 3(2), 149-157.


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