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Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning and Mathematical Higher Order Thinking Skills of Grade 10 Students

Connie L. Brion, Mariel E. Pagkaliwangan & Delon A. Ching
Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022
Presented in 2nd International Research Competition 2022, November 15, 2022


Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are recognized as one of the most essential skills required in the twenty-first century, however, Filipino students have been found to have difficulties in the subjects that require HOTS. Thus, this study utilized a descriptive design to know the perception of the students with regard to learning cycle activities and assigned team roles as features of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL). Also, pre-experimental research design was used to measure the effectiveness of POGIL approach in the Mathematical HOTS of the students in terms of analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Furthermore, cluster sampling technique was used in choosing twenty-eight (28) grade 10 students as respondents and evaluated their mathematical HOTS using a pre-test and post-test assessment. Based on the findings, students felt the effectiveness of assigned team roles and learning cycle activities in enhancing their skills and character towards learning. Moreover, there is a highly significant difference in the mean pre and post-test performance of the respondents before and after using the POGIL approach in mathematical HOTS (p-value=0.000). This implies that the POGIL is an effective teaching strategy that successfully improved Mathematical HOTS of the students. Based on the research findings, the researchers advise educators to use the POGIL approach in exposing their students to more active, collaborative and guided teaching-learning processes.

Keywords: Analyzing, Creating, Evaluating, Mathematical Higher Order Thinking Skills, Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning

*This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022, Category 2 Undergraduate


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Cite this article:

Brion, C.L., Pagkaliwangan, M.E. & Ching, D.A. (2022). Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning and Mathematical Higher Order Thinking Skills of Grade 10 Students. The Research Probe, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 53 - 68.


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